4 tickets left for Haslingfield Little Theatre’s LOVE IS…. tomorrow night (Saturday)

As of 12.45 p.m. (Friday) there are just 4 tickets left (£10 each) for Haslingfield Little Theatre’s May Production: Love Is…. which is being performed tomorrow night, Saturday 16 May at 7.45 p.m. in Haslingfield Village Hall.

So, if you are interested in listening to some wonderful music by some of the greats of our time, being entertained by some very funny and sometimes poignant sketches and poems, not to mention consuming some delicious complimentary canapés, please ring Jan straight away on 01223 872007 to buy your ticket. Read more

Film Club

movie-cameraThe next film Club meeting will be at 7.30pm on Friday 22nd May, 2015 in the Methodist rooms.  Running time is 89min., Certificate: U, and we will break for refreshments half way through.

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Next Village Society Talk

hedgerowTuesday 19th May 2015 at 8.00pm in the Village Hall

After a short Annual General Meeting, Mike Petty will talk about the life of James Reynolds Withers, the Cambridgeshire Hedge-side Poet  (1812 – 1892).  Mike Petty has been helping people research Cambridgeshire for 50 years.  He has a daily “Looking Back” column in the Cambridge News, and a weekly “Memories” page. Read more

Haslingfield in 1944

Mike Wickham was evacuated to Haslingfield in 1944, and this is some of his recollections of that time…

Aged 10, I was evacuated to Haslingfield during the Summer of 1944 from our home in Hornchurch, Essex, because of the menace of V-1’s and V-2’s. With my Mother and Sister (6) we stayed at 1 Scotts Yard, Haslingfield, which was a 2-up and 2-down cottage with an outside closet (earth or bucket – I cannot remember which) and no mains electricity, gas or water. I remember taking a pail to the village pump daily to get it filled with water. The lady we stayed with was Aunt Annie (King), who was noted for her Apple Pie making – so I was assured by my Dad. Click on Read More to continue reading Mike’s recollections…

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Village Shop Order Facility

Village Shop & Post Office

Village Shop & Post Office

It is possible to order whatever fruit and vegetables from the Village Shop that you want as well as any bakery items. The shop has daily deliveries from Newnham Bakery so it’s possible to order any bakery item, including French Sticks and Tiger Bread. Fresh vegetables are also delivered daily, and again any type of fruit and veg can be ordered and delivered on request. A Dry Cleaning service is also available which delivers 3 days a week to the shop, with generally a 2 day turnaround. Click Read More for more information…

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Bank Holiday Monday Shop Opening Hours

Village Shop & Post Office

Village Shop & Post Office

The Village Shop will be open this Bank Holiday Monday 4th May from 8am until 11am and the post office will be closed. You can buy newspapers and magazines, a wide range of groceries and confectionery, fresh milk, hot drinks, cold drinks, wines and spirits, greeting cards and stationery, plus ‘bits and pieces’ such as batteries, drawing pins, etc. As well as fresh bread, fresh fruit and vegetables.

Old Haslingfield in the News: Cricket in 1913

On May 1st 1913  Haslingfield CC held its annual meeting. Prizes were donated by the President, Mr. J. Chapman. The winners of the various prizes were:
Batting, Mr. L. Barnard, with an average of 16;
Bowling, Mr. W. A. Wisbey, average 6 runs per wicket;
Fielding, Mr. Sidney Gifford.
The first match of the season was played at Eversden, and was won by Haslingfield by ten runs, the scores being 21 for the home team, and 31 for the visitors. Mr. J. Ling was responsible for 14 of the latter total.

Personal experience suggests that the wicket at Eversden has improved considerably over the last 100 years!