All Saints’ Church

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Our Vicar: Reverend Claire Robertson
Tel: 01223 874194 


Current Information can be found on our website:

“It is impossible to gauge just how many people have found peace in the arms of this building, which has stood here quietly for all these hundreds of years.  It is not owned by anybody.  It has been given by one generation to the next and it is now our turn to care for it  Peter Owen-Jones, 1998, “All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield

Comments (2)

  • Jennifer Gore


    Almost one year on in this pandemic the church stands open daily for private prayer and the primroses are glorious once more.


  • Sally Farquharson


    Sadly the church building has had to close, but for a little uplifting of the spirits try looking over the church wall (opposite The Moringha Café). The carpet of primroses and violets are really beautiful!


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