Easter Breakfast and Egg Hunt

Easter breakfast & egg hunt poster 2017

Easter breakfast & egg hunt poster 2017

The best way to start the day is on an egg, according to some! This weekend, on Easter Sunday, a full breakfast is available from 8am until 9.15am at the Methodist Church with an Easter Egg Hunt starting at 9am. All the money raised will go to the East Africa Crisis Appeal.

FREE Easter Egg Hunt

Little Rose Opening Details

Little Rose Opening Details

Easter Sunday 16th April sees the annual free Easter Egg Hunt at the Little Rose Pub. Just turn up on the day in plenty of time for the 3pm start at the pub. Open to all the village’s little people.

This Tuesday Pop Up Coffee Shop

Pop Up Coffee Shop

Pop Up Coffee Shop

The next Pop Up Coffee shop is this Tuesday 11th April, 8:45 – 11:30am, in aid of The Feeding Project, Vellore India.

This is run by a charity that works with the poorest people in India.  It offers hot food to elders, who would otherwise go hungry.

The Pop Up Shop takes place at the Methodist Church from 8:45- 11:30am.  Come & enjoy cakes, croissants, filter coffee & tea (fair trade of course) and help raise funds for The Feeding Project, Vellore.

All Saints’ Church

April 14th   GOOD FRIDAY

Carrying the Cross

From Barton (1pm) via Haslingfield (2pm),
Harlton (2.45pm), Little Eversden (3.30pm),
to Great Eversden (4pm)

Hare and Hounds – Pop Up Pub

For all people who are interested in the Hare and Hounds Community Pub proposal, the steering committee is organising another “POP UP PUB” event. They would love you to join them on:

Friday 31st March in the Harlton Village Hall. Doors open at 6.00 pm until 11.00 pm.

You will be able to purchase beer, wine, spirits and soft drinks. Live music by “The Barleycorners”. Food at the pop-up pub this Friday is a high quality Fish and Chips supper supplied by Special Events Company from 6:30 onwards. Hear the latest progress on the bid to reopen the Hare and Hounds pub. Let’s all join in and make this a fabulous evening!  More details are here:

Pub Quiz This Friday 31st March

Little Rose Opening Details

Little Rose Opening Details

The monthly Little Rose Pub Quiz now takes place on the last Friday of every month. So the next quiz will take place this Friday 31st March from 8pm. Teams of any number up to a maximum of six can take part, entry is £10 per team with all the entry fees given out as cash prizes. First Question asked at 8pm. Just turn up on the night or book in advance. We can also make up teams from whoever turns up on the night. The quiz now takes place on the last Friday of every month. It’s great fun with a good number of all local teams taking part. There’s 6 rounds covering many topics including a picture round. The quiz finishes around 10pm with a break halfway through.