Map of East West Rail Environmental Survey Locations

A local resident has kindly put together a Google map of the locations of East West Rail Environmental surveys known to us.  As I said in my previous post we have not yet been able to get this information from East West Rail or their contractor Ardent. The map is available on this link. Read more

East West Rail Environmental Surveys in Haslingfield

EWR aims to build a railway from Cambourne to Cambridge in the 2020s. Information on the status of this section of the route can be found on their website here. They have selected a search area for the route that includes all of Haslingfield and the area to the north. In terms of possible impact on village life, this is probably the biggest planning issue we have faced in decades. Read more

Booking system introduced at three household recycling centres including Thriplow

Visitors to three household recycling centres in Cambridgeshire will need to book a slot to access the sites from next week. This is in addition to a booking system for all sites that was recently introduced for vans and trailers requiring e-permits.

From Monday, 22 June, you will only be able to visit Bluntisham, Alconbury and Thriplow household recycling centres if you have pre-booked a slot. For more details please visit: