Beware! COVID Vaccine Scam

Scammers continue to take advantage of the coronavirus pandemic to commit fraud. Fraudsters are sending fake text messages, claiming you are entitled to a dose of the newly-approved vaccine. Bogus message states that you are entitled to a vaccine and to receive more info should click on the link. Unfortunately, these texts are fake. Once you click on the link, you find a webpage, branded to look like a genuine NHS page, which requests to see ‘proof of ownership of address’ in the form of your bank account, sort code and a full bank card number. Do NOT give your bank or card details to make payment for a vaccine or to prove your residential address.
Coronavirus vaccines are FREE and the NHS will never ask for any money or your bank details.
Further information about scams is available here.
Nigel Sutton Cyber Protect Officer Cambridgeshire Police

Missing Cat – Fudge

Please check your sheds , garages etc . He went missing yesterday morning, usually he returns by the afternoon … but alas no show…. which is unusual for him. Many thanks.


Covid community update – Tier 4 announcement

The Government has announced that Cambridgeshire is moving into Tier 4 restrictions from 12.01am on Saturday 26 December.

I had hoped that the previous update would be the last until the New Year but we wanted to share with you all what this announcement will mean.

Firstly, the change does not affect Christmas Day. People can still choose to mix with two other households. However, as we have stressed before, the fact that people are allowed to do that does not mean you should. Less mixing and shorter celebrations will minimise the risk to loved ones and help ensure Coronavirus is not passed on. Please do share our Facebook posts within your communities to help encourage people to spend their Christmas Day as safely as possible:

Read more

Haslingfield Christmas

The members of the Haslingfield webteam wish all our visitors a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

Haslingfield Greenway – Great News!

The Haslingfield Greenway has been given the go-ahead by the Greater Cambridge Partnership with £8M funding. We will have 2 new cycle paths. One running from Cantelupe Road to Grantchester crossing the M11 at the footbridge and joining Grantchester at Burnt Close. It then runs along Grantchester Road to Newnham. The other starts at Porkers Lane and runs along the existing bridleway to Hauxton. Both schemes require considerable work by the GCP team so completion will possibly not be until 2025. You can read full details of the scheme at:
I will be in continuous contact with the GCP team throughout the implementation and will be very happy to pass on comments or suggestions
Lucian Hatfield –

Update on Full Fibre in Haslingfield

This is to update you on the progress for the Full Fibre Project in Haslingfield to date.
Firstly, thanks for your pre-order and support on the project, it is great that you can all see the benefit in having the next generation of broadband brought to the village.
As it currently stands we are approximately 75% to the target, in the last month there has been 25 pre-orders submitted,  if we keep this rate up we should meet the required threshold for Haslingfield in January/February. We also have a progress update personalised advert going into the village magazines January print, which should help get the project over the line. Read more

East West Rail Update and Petition

It’s good to see so many “No EWR Rail Here” signs going up around the village, on the road sides and in people’s front windows.  Our MP Anthony Browne picked up on it in a facebook post here. It is also good to see the opposition to Option E growing fast in neighbouring villages.

Recent discussions with local district councillors imply that EWR Co’s next consultation “early in 2021” will include options  very close to The Eversdens, Harlton, Haslingfield and Harston, even if the Cambourne station is to the north rather than the south. This position is supported by survey activity here reported by the public. Even if your home is not close to the edge of the village consider the effect on access roads. Here is an image of what the crossing of the A10 might look like, it would be a similar picture for other roads (if access is restored at all).

EWR Co. have confirmed the line will be freight capable and the EWR Consortium are on record as saying that the EWR represents a huge freight opportunity – see section 2.2 of this document. Here are some freight trains in the fens. The video and especially audio gives a feeling for what they are like. Contrast this with our recent baseline noise survey in a back garden in Harlton where, over a 24 hour period the loudest noise was birdsong.

Things are not looking good.

If you have not done so already please consider signing this petition it was started by CBRR just before the last consultation, but it is still the right question. It already has more signatures than the number of consultation responses that supported option E in the first place. Let’s push it much higher. Read more

Local Aviation History

Here are two historical accounts relating to Aviation in Haslingfield – submitted by Nigel Perry:

Mustang P-51D crash Sunday 6 August 1944
The P-51D Mustang was from the 339th Fighter Group Fowlmere. It had taken off from Fowlmere at 08.35 hrs on a mission and spun in out of a cloudbase of 700 feet, crashed through hedges bordering Cantelupe Road, roughly 100 yards beyond the footpath at Lesanna Farm at 08.50 hrs. The aircraft exploded in a field right of the road. Wreckage was strewn 400 yards with bullets exploding. 

The pilot 2/Lt Arthur Tongue was thrown out and sadly killed. He is buried in the American War Cemetery at Madingley Plot E Row 4 Grave #73. Read more