Haslingfield and the Great War

Many thanks to Brian Sewell, of River Farm, for information relating to his father. Arthur Sewell took an active part in the Great War, fighting at the Somme and at Ypres. He was awarded the Military Medal for bravery. He also took part in the famous Christmas Day football match between the Germans and British. He was later captured, but managed to escape. When he arrived home late at night he called out “Have you got a bed for a weary soldier?” It was the first his parents had heard of him since he had been posted missing years before.

If you have any stories about your family in the Great War, I would be delighted to hear from you, and with your permission will use extracts in our planned presentation on November 11th.


Next Village Society Talk

Breaking Rules: Causes of Young People’s Crime.  This talk will summarize findings about young people’s lives, and crimes, and crucially, demonstrate the nature of the coming together of individuals and their environments that is at the root of crime.  The speaker is Beth Hardie, research Manager of PADS+ ( Peterborough Adolescent and Young Adult Development Study, based at Cam. Univ. )  and co-author of ‘Breaking the Rules’.   This study was hailed as ‘among the most significant works in criminology in decades’.   Beth Hardie lives in Haslingfield.   Tues., 18th February 2014 in the Haslingfield Village Hall at  8:00 PM.  ALL WELCOME. School age and Members free.  Small charge for visitors.

The Future of Bourn Brook – Open Meeting

Bourne BrookBourne BrookBourne Brook-bmpDear all,
 I work for the Wildlife Trust with a focus at the moment on the Bourn Brook, which rises to the east of Eltisley and flows into the River Rhee (or Upper Cam) at Byron’s Pool, running through (or along the boundaries of) the parishes of  Eltisley,  Caxton,  Bourn,  Kingston,  Great Eversden,  Little Eversden,  Caldecote,  Toft,  Comberton,  Barton,  Harlton,  Haslingfield,  Grantchester and near to Cambourne.  We are holding an open meeting on Weds 5th February at Bourn Golf Club, 7pm-9.30pm to explain what’s been happening on the brook over the last few years, to listen to what people have to say and to find out whether anyone is interested in getting involved with looking after this local feature.  Everyone welcome.

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Country Kitchen wishes you all a Happy New Year

cklogoChristmas seems to have passed by with the blink of an eye. At Country Kitchen we had a very, very busy festive period taking turkey orders, selling our unique hampers that were stuffed full of exciting goodies, homemade Christmas puddings flew off the shelf, weird and wonderful cheeses filled the deli counter and even our famous sausage rolls had a festive twist! So thank you all for your custom over the Christmas period. Read more

Twilight at the Museums

Wednesday 19th February 2014, 4.30pm to 8:30pm

As darkness falls, Museums and collections across Cambridge are opening their doors into the night for an exciting evening of FREE drop-in and bookable family events. Taking place in twelve venues across the city, set out and discover the extraordinary world of Cambridge museums and collections after dark. Whether it’s experiencing the sights and sounds of ice at The Polar Museum, journeying by torchlight through the Botanic Garden Glasshouses or creating amazing photographs in the evocative setting of the Museum of Technology, there will be plenty to explore! Get ready for the adventure by visiting www.cam.ac.uk/museums/twilight Read more

January Village Society Talk

cement worksBarrington Cement Works: very near, very important, very interesting.
Its geography, history, archaeology, and stories of 44 years of employment there are the subjects of the next Haslingfield Village Society talk.   John Drayton, who received an MBE for services to the Quarry Industry and Geology, will be presenting this comprehensive talk.  Something for everyone,  Tues., 21 January 2014,  Haslingfield Village Hall, 8PM.   All are welcome; members and school age FREE.   Small charge for visitors.