Preserving the Industrial Heritage of Cambridge

pumping engineVisit to the Cambridge Museum of Technology

Organised by the Haslingfield Village Society
Wednesday 10th September 2014 at 10.00 am.

We will be taken on a guided tour around the museum, based in Cambridge’s old sewage pumping station on Cheddars Lane.  This site was one of the earliest examples of recycling – the city’s rubbish being burned here to produce steam to power the steam engines to pump the sewage.  The Museum exists to preserve industrial exhibit material relevant to the Cambridge area, and on the tour we will learn about the development of power from steam, through internal combustion, to electricity.      GO TO ‘READ MORE’ Read more

Tennis Club in the Paper

The village’s Tennis Club has been in the Cambridge News this week…

Haslingfield Tennis Club going from strength to strength as they celebrate 70th anniversary

In a rural county such a Cambridgeshire, village tennis clubs have an important role to play in attracting more people to the sport…

To read the full article, click below:-

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Free Bar-B-Q This Sunday

This Sunday, 24th August, from 1pm until 7pm, there’s a free Bar-B-Q at the Little Rose Pub in the village. The new managers, Neil and Sue, are inviting everyone along to celebrate taking over the pub. They’ll also be a full vegetarian options cooked on a separate grill. You’ll also be able to see the brand new food menu and new real ale & beer, now that the pub is a proper Freehouse and no longer anything to do with Greene King. You can also see what you think about the pub’s new decoration. This is the first in a series of special events to mark Neil and Sue now being in charge.

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New Yoga Class in Haslingfield

yoga class image & title

From September 8th onwards, you will be able to practice yoga on Monday mornings in Haslingfield Village Hall. Run by Shelagh and Chris, the class will be open to beginners and experienced practitioners alike.

Classes run term time only: Mondays: 9:30am-11:00am in Haslingfield Village Hall

Please click “Read More” below for Term Dates and Payment Options: Read more

Free Bar-B-Q at the Pub

On Sunday 24th August (Bank Holiday Weekend) from 1pm until 7pm there’s a free Bar-B-Q at the Little Rose Pub in the village. The new managers, Neil and Sue, are inviting everyone along to celebrate taking over the pub. You’ll also be able to see the brand new food menu and new beer, now that the pub is a proper Freehouse and no longer anything to do with Greene King. You can also see what you think about the pub’s new decoration. This is the first in a series of special events to mark Neil and Sue now being in charge.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFor the sixth year running, the sponsored walk ‘In the Steps of the Bishop’ will be taking place on Saturday 20 September.  We start off from the Chapel of Gonville & Caius College in Cambridge at 10.30 am and finish in Haslingfield Church at around 1 pm where refreshments will be available for tired and thirsty walkers. The walk is undertaken to commemorate the regular walk along the same route taken by Bishop Charles Mackenzie to help with services in Haslingfield.  He later went to Africa in the steps of David Livingstone and founded the Christian church in what is now Malawi.  All Saints Church and Haslingfield School continue to raise much needed funds for the school and church in the village of Magomero.  Go to ‘READ MORE’

McKenzie Window

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12th – 14th Septemberscarecrow colour logo from prue

Please start planning your scarecrow for the festival – it needs to go up before the 12th September.  If you need a theme we suggest Sport – think World Cup, Wimbledon, Tour de France or the Commonwealth Games ….

Events already confirmed for the weekend include a dog show, BBQ, an open church afternoon with brass band, pre dinner drinks, rock on the rec, sports on the rec, an open farm, open gardens and various garage sales, afternoon teas and stalls.  For some current details go to ‘READ MORE’ below.  We’ll be delivering a more complete “What’s On” sheet around beginning of September.

If you’d like to get involved and raise some money for your club or charity please get in touch with Alix Robinson (, 870167)

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Haslingfield and the Great War – Those Who Died

On this day, the hundredth anniversary of the outbreak of the Great War, it seems appropriate to remember those in our village who died in service. I’m grateful to John Beynon’s exhaustive account in ‘That Their Names Shall Live’ for the following details.

The loss of 17 men in a village the size of Haslingfield would impact upon most households, but it is a story repeated across the United Kingdom. I’ve just stayed at Edgefield, in North Norfolk, which was no more than a handful of cottages in 1914, and even there five men were lost in the war. In Haslingfield two Barnards (Elias and Josiah), Jennings (Alick and Harry) and Newlings (Ted and William) were all killed in action. Two others were lost at sea – George Coveney in an accidental explosion in Sheerness and Albert Flack at the battle of Jutland. A number died in major battles – Frederick Goode, Harry Jennings and Arthur Pagram at the Somme, Frederick Charles and Alick Jennings at Arras, and Ernest Mills at Passchendaele.

Only William Daintry is buried in Haslingfield. William Douglas was buried in Belgium, and William Hoy in northern France. Tragically, the remaining fourteen have no known graves.

Cambridge City Foodbank

Cambridge City FoodbankThank you to everyone who made a donation to the Foodbank when they came to the Strawberry Fayre. 4 boxes of food were taken to the Foodbank and they were very grateful for your support. At the moment they DON’T NEED soup, pasta or baked beans, but they would still like to receive Tea bags (40’s and 80’s), Tinned vegetables, meat and puddings, jam, granulated sugar and milk powder. They also said that toothbrushes and toothpaste were much appreciated. The need is still there, so please continue to help. Your donations can be left at the Village Shop, Methodist Church or Parish Church.

Writing Circles

Writing Circles, led by Melissa Fu, will meet at Harlton Village Hall on Thursday mornings from 9.30-11.30 for six weeks, from 11 Sept to 23 Oct (no meeting 25 Sept).   Curious?  Try a free writing workshop on 23 Aug to get a taste of what a Writing Circle would be like.  Harlton Village Hall, 13.30 – 15.00 and 16.00-17.30. Booking and more information at