Armistice Day 1918

Unsurprisingly, Armistice Day in Cambridge in  November 1918 was as raucous an affair as elsewhere. The Cambridge Chronicle reported:

The news reached Cambridge about 11 o’clock, and spread like wildfire. The first signal was given by the hoisting of the Union Jack at the Town Hall [now the Guildhall], and the churches and colleges quickly followed suit in setting joy-bunting floating. In a few moments youngsters were shrilly cheering in the streets … With feverish speed all Cambridge hung out bunting, and women and children bedecked themselves with miniatures flags or trappings of red, white and blue.

An effigy of the Kaiser was paraded around the town. Unfortunately the bells of Great St. Mary’s failed to ring because a group of over-enthusiastic youths damaged them, but there was no such problem in Haslingfield. The bells there rang for two hours from noon.

Pub November Madness

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

During the whole of November, the Little Rose Pub is offering 20% off all meals Monday to Saturday. Also, for its Sunday Lunches, whenever you pay for two adult meals, you’ll get a children’s Sunday Lunch for free. The price of a Sunday Lunch is Adults £8-95 and Children £5-95. The weekday menu also has a wide range of Children’s meals, all costing £3-00. The pub is now open from noon every day of the week and is serving food from 4pm until 9pm Mondays to Fridays, on Saturdays from noon until 9pm with special Sunday Lunches from noon until 3pm. Click on the link to see the full menu including prices… Pub Menu


Music by J.S. Bach and his son C.P.E. Bach

Bach FaceLisete da Silva – Baroque Flute
Robin Walker – Organ

Friday 31st October 2014 @ 7.30 pm
Haslingfield Methodist Church, High Street,  Cambs  CB23 1JW

Tickets £10, under 16s free, in advance from The Village Shop, or on the door, or call 01223 872862

Longer Pub Opening Hours

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

From today (Monday 27th October) the Little Rose Pub is now open from Noon until Late 7 days a week. It’s also selling food from Noon until 9pm Mondays to Saturdays and Traditional Sunday Lunches from Noon until 3pm on Sundays. As the village’s last pub is now a proper, true Freehouse, it serves a range of at least 3 real ales, plus the usual lagers, wines and spirits as well as Teas, Coffees and soft drinks. The pub also sells a wide range of Children’s meals for just £3-00 alongside a special selection of children’s drinks. It welcomes families with children of any age.

Any village club, society or group are welcome to use the newly decorated Lounge bar for meetings or get togethers for free. Simply turn up when the pub is open and make yourself at home.

Click Read More for more details on what beer and cider the pub is selling this week…

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Jack and the Beanstalk – MATINEE SOLD OUT!

HLT LOGO (2) jpg All the matinee tickets for Haslingfield Little Theatre’s Jack and the Beanstalk on Saturday, 29 November at 2.30 p.m. have now been sold. There are still plenty of tickets available for the evening performances: 27, 28, 29 November at 7.30 p.m. in Haslingfield Village Hall. Click Read More for full details: Read more

SATURDAY: Live Music at the Little Rose

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

Live Music with Billy Jester aka Jockey Jim or Jimbo from the Elms in Haslingfield at the Little Rose Pub this Saturday 25th October. Free Entry. Music Starts at 8.30pm. This is the first of a series of events being held at the village’s only Pub in the run-up to Christmas. To see the full list of events, click on Read More…



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Haslingfield Choir and Orchestra

All Saints Church,  Haslingfield, Saturday,  December 6th 2014, 7.30pm

 HANDEL, My Heart is Inditing
VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, Fantasia on Christmas Carols
CHARPENTIER, Messe de Minuit pour Noel

Leader – Frances Poole, Conductor – Graham Walker
Tickets £10, £5 (students), children free, from Village Shop and at door, Enquiries: Kate Dickens 872088 

Jack and the Beanstalk – Tickets now in Shops!

jack and the beanstalk poster revised versionYou can now buy your tickets for Haslingfield Little Theatre’s panto, Jack and the Beanstalk. Performances are on 27, 28 and 29 November at Haslingfield Village Hall, and start at 7.30 p.m. with a matinee performance at 2.30 p.m. on Saturday 29 November.

The show will include a seven-foot giant, a beanstalk that grows to 15 feet before your very eyes, a strangely attractive dame, a dancing cow, great song and dance numbers, as well, of course, as the thigh-slapping Principal Boy!

Tickets cost £8 per person (£6 concessions – no concessions Saturday evening), and are available at The Village Shop and Country Kitchen. Alternatively, please ring Jan on: 01223 872007, or email

Pub Petanque Team Win League

The Little Rose Petanque Team have finished the season as League Champions. The team also had a great finals day, winning both the Doubles Competition as well as the Triples competition. For more information, click on Read More…

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Music in Quiet Places, K’antu Ensemble

K'antu 1‘Come now a roundel and a fairy song’

Music in Quiet Places returns to Haslingfield Church on Saturday 25 October presenting K’antu Ensemble, celebrating the 450th anniversay of Shakespeare’s birth with a delightful programme of songs and dances evoking the  the spirit of Elizabethan and Jacobean England ……..

Image by Mat Kaweczynski
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Haslingfield Bonfire & Fireworks – Saturday 1st November

FireworksPlease come along to Haslingfield and Barton Scout Group and Little Owls Pre-school Bonfire and Fireworks on Saturday 1st November at Wellhouse Meadow, Haslingfield. Starts at 6 pm.

A variety of hot food, cakes and drinks will be served throughout the evening. Tickets are £4 and under 5’s are free. Buy your tickets on the night or purchase them in advance from the Village Shop, Country Kitchen and at Little Owls Pre-School. We hope to see you there!