New Road shed break-in

New Rd, Haslingfield – 30/07/2018 23:30 to 31/07/2018 06:00 – Crime Ref 35/18901/18 Unknown offender(s) have damaged the door to the shed to get in and have stolen tools.   If you have any information please contact the police on 101. Or if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111. Remember to report anything suspicious in your area on either 101 non-emergency number or 999 in an emergency. James Lynch PCSO, South Cambs

Drone Survey of Haslingfield Church

Chris Burgoyne of Emmanuel College and Dr Michael Ramage of the Dept of Architecture are conducting a photogrammetry survey of Haslingfield Church, with the agreement of the Vicar.  We have taken a large number of photographs from ground level but wish to take more photos from an elevated position to see details that cannot be seen well, or at all, from below.  Read more

Cambridge City Foodbank – Shopping List

Please help local people in crisis by buying items from the list below and giving them to Cambridge City Foodbank.  Food items can be left at either Haslingfield Village Shop, Haslingfield Methodist Church or All Saints’ Church.  Please help us ‘Fill the Gap’ in our stocks by donating the following. NB All goods should be undamaged please & if possible have long BBE dates.  Read more

Your Chance to be Part of the Haslingfield Little Theatre Panto!

On 22, 23 and 24 November we will be performing the panto Cinderella. If you are interested in being involved, do come along to the read-through of the script on 19 July, 7.30 pm and the auditions on 26 July, 7.30 pm – both taking place at the Village Hall.

As well as cast, we will also be welcoming potential production team members – for more info. please contact Terry at: and/or read about all our production team roles here.

Vacancies – Village Shop(s)

Haslingfield Village Shop and Barrington Village Shop have vacancies as follows:

9 to 1 Thursday and Friday
Sunday morning 7.15 to 4

If you are interested in applying for any of these vacancies, please go into Barrington Village Shop or message Bharti Godhaniya on Facebook.

Harlton Hog Roast

To round off the Harlton Village Fete there will be a traditional hog roast on 14th July at 7:15pm.

Bring your own glass, drink, knife, fork and plate and have a great time. Tickets MUST be purchased in advance.

More details when you click the poster.