Village Green – Grass damage from storage of pipes during the Gas works

The  Parish Council have made a complaint to Cambridge County Council Street Works Team regarding the damage caused to the Village Green grass through weeks of storing large yellow piping during the gas works to Broad Lane are being carried out – the grass is completely dead where the pipes have been stored.

The Street Works Inspector has attended site and confirmed that the works team will make good the Village Green before clearing the site.

New/expectant parents

Are you a new/expectant parent, or parent to a baby, and living in Haslingfield or Harlton? It would be great to make friends and be able to support each other, and especially so in the current situation. We may not be able to meet in person for a little while yet, but we can still do a video cuppa (and cake!) and of course be at the end of the phone. If this sounds like something you’d be interested in, please email Alison for more information:

Motorists Warned to be Vigilant Following Break-ins

A total of 22 vehicles were broken into between 19th Apr – 12th May including incidents in Stapleford, Sawston, Duxford, Gt Shelford, Haslingfield, Grantchester, Swavesey, Milton, Oakington and Fen Drayton. Police are urging all motorists to make sure your cars are locked. Incidents are occurring when windows are left open and doors unlocked. In the majority of cases purses, wallets and handbags have been targeted and in some instances the thieves have gone on to use the victims’ bank cards in shops. Please make sure all valuables are removed from vehicles.

Any information please call 101 or online at

Green Bin Collection

The phased starting up of the green waste service began on Monday 4th May. 
Under the phased reintroduction of the green waste service, residents are guaranteed one collection
per month but are encouraged to put the green bins out each time the blue recycle bins are due for
collection, in case crews are able to collect more than the scheduled rounds. Collection days for Haslingfield are 14th May, 10th June & 8th July.
To find out which weeks have a guaranteed collection, residents can check by postcode at:

Haslingfield School PTFA: Invitation to Next Weekend’s VE Day Celebrations!

Haslingfield School PTFA have planned several fun events for the VE Day Bank Holiday weekend (Friday 8th/Saturday 9th/Sunday 10th May). Please note that these events are open to everyone. They are:

Here’s a letter to everyone explaining more: Read more

Country Kitchen List of Goods (1 May)

country kitchen logoTo all our valued customers, we hope you’re keeping well, staying safe and strong! We’ve compiled a list of goods we stock in the shop as an aide memoire to help you when phoning in and emailing orders. We’ve also popped one in the window. It’s not exhaustive, and it doesn’t itemise everything, but we hope it will be of benefit when you compile your shopping list! 
Here is the list and you can also access it from our website here. Read more