The PTFA is running a treasure hunt to coincide with Haslingfield Scarecrow Festival. It can be completed at any time over the three days- just download and print the documents on the links below for instructions and answer sheets. There are 2 treasure hunts:

The JUNIOR treasure hunt follows a circular route around the village (approx 1.25 miles) and is aimed at children aged approx 3 to 6 years. Instructions and answer sheets here.

The ADVANCED treasure hunt is aimed at children aged approx. 7 to 11 years, although younger and older may still wish to join in. This will also involve a walk of around 1.25 miles in total. Instructions and answer sheets here.

Although we are not charging an entry fee for the treasure hunt, the PTFA does rely upon people’s generosity to raise funds to benefit our village school. If you are able to make a contribution, it would be greatly appreciated. There is a fundraising page set up for the treasure hunt on our Golden Giving site. Please go to www.goldengiving.com/fundraising/haslingfieldtreasurehunt

Thank you, and have a great time. 

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED – Haslingfield Food Hub

Harston Food Hub have kindly said they can share the scheme they have worked hard to put in place with us, as we are evolving the Haslingfield food cupboard. The cupboard scheme can no longer keep up with the increased demand.
This opportunity will also allow us to also provide fresh food to those in need as well as opening fresh food up to anyone regardless of need to reduce excess food waste that is an alarming issue. This may be from supermarkets with an overstock or anyone who’s garden/ tress etc are producing more than needed.

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CamSight Vacancy

CamSight, who in normal times meet in Haslingfield Methodist Church every month, have a vacancy for a driver for their new mobile low vision aids and equipment unit. For more information please click here.


Cambridge Approaches Action Group (C&V Article)

AC7XAK Freightliner freight train, pulling out of the North rail freight terminal, Port of Felixstowe, Suffolk, UK.


After the public consultation last year, East West Rail (EWR) decided in January this year to focus their attention on route ‘option E’ for the section of their new railway between Bedford and Cambridge. It is classed as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project and will form the busy central-section of the final East West Railway between East Anglia’s ports and the Midlands, serving fast growing towns along its route. Why the multi-modal corridor to the north proposed by CamBedRailRoad was not selected remains a mystery. ‘Option E’ is not a rail alignment but a corridor, several miles wide in places, through which the line will run. It includes Haslingfield and the outskirts of Harlton but also extends to Comberton and Barton in the north and Newton and The Shelfords in the east. EWR are currently carrying out further design and survey work to determine different line options which are planned to be used in a public consultation in 2021 before their selection of a preferred alignment. Construction is expected to start in 2025. Read more

Cambridge Community Arts (CCA),

Being creative is good for you, it will improve your mental wellbeing and your confidence. Cambridge Community Arts have year-long accredited creative courses in Visual, Digital & Performing Arts starting in September 2020. CCA’s classes offer a non-judgemental, stimulating, and friendly environment.
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NHS Test and Trace – beware of scams

Based on local information, (not verified by myself) it would appear that an elderly person has received a telephone call purporting to represent NHS test and trace service.
The suspect told the person answering the phone, that they had been in contact with someone who had tested positive for COVID-19 and that they now needed to be tested within 72 hours.
The caller then said there was a charge of £50 for the test and took bank card details over the phone. (The long card number, expiry date, name on the card and CVC code giving the criminal all the detail they need to fraudulently use the card).  Any test under the NHS Test and Trace service is free. Read more