NHW – Tackle Car Crime With New Campaign

Due to Covid-19 and repeated lockdowns, people haven’t been using their cars as much as they used to. However, car crime remains a pressing problem in the UK – alarmingly, one car is stolen every ten minutes(1). The latest figures from the Police National Computer (3) indicate car crime decreased during Covid-19 restrictions but with the expectation of social restrictions soon easing we could see a surge in car crime. Neighbourhood Watch are launching a new campaign on the 31st March to encourage everyone to keep their car’s safety top of mind.
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Food Vans in the Village Hall Car Park

Food loving villagers – This week we have arranged again a number of food vans providing delicious food in the village hall car park on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 17:00-20:00.
Different cuisines will be catered for from different companies. This Thursday 25/3 will be authentic Greek Gyros from The Cook’s Nest, on Friday 26/3 will be pizza from La Biga (every Friday) and on Saturday 27/3 will be authentic Paella from La Laventina 

All  vans have covid secure contactless payment options and try to pre-order using the links.….Enjoy!

Fibre Broadband

Good news – We have met the minimum threshold to move into the next stages of the project, which is the Project Review. This stage, which on average takes approx. 4 weeks, takes various things into consideration such as reviewing build costs, looking at existing infrastructure and traffic management. Once all this is complete, this will be presented to Aviva to release the funds and the next stage of build works can commence.
County Broadband are leaving the offer of free standard connection open for residents that still wish to place pre-orders until connection has gone live. Thanks to all those that have supported the project and getting us this far.

Food Vans in the Village Hall Car Park

Ravenous villagers – This week we have arranged again a number of food vans providing delicious food in the village hall car park on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 17:00-20:00.
Different cuisines will be catered for from different companies. This Thursday 18/3 will be South-African Caribbean from Kerief Catering , on Friday 19/3 will be pizza from La Biga (every Friday) and on Saturday 20/3 will be “dirty” burgers and fries from Apple & Jalapeno 

All  vans have covid secure contactless payment options and try to pre-order using the links.….Enjoy!

Get Involved in the Cambridge Approaches East West Rail Campaign

The next East West Rail consultation on route alignments in our area has been imminent since the start of January 2021. We are currently told that it will be out before Easter. Now is a good time to step up the campaign for a fair consultation on the northern approach to Cambridge as well as the southern approach.

The EWR action group in The Eversdens is opening up to invite like-minded people from Haslingfield and Harlton to attend (but also any local village). It’s a Zoom meeting on Thursdays at 8pm on this link. All welcome. This group is well connected with other parts of the CA campaign. Through this group you can get involved with various more specialist teams working on the project.

William Harrold, Cambridge Approaches.