NHW – Tackle Car Crime With New Campaign

Due to Covid-19 and repeated lockdowns, people haven’t been using their cars as much as they used to. However, car crime remains a pressing problem in the UK – alarmingly, one car is stolen every ten minutes(1). The latest figures from the Police National Computer (3) indicate car crime decreased during Covid-19 restrictions but with the expectation of social restrictions soon easing we could see a surge in car crime. Neighbourhood Watch are launching a new campaign on the 31st March to encourage everyone to keep their car’s safety top of mind.
John Hayward-Cripps, CEO of Neighbourhood Watch Network, says “Most car crimes happen because cars are left unlocked.  There is a misconception that some cars are auto-locking and lock themselves if left unattended after a period of time. This isn’t always correct.  Another misconception is that your car is too old and no one will bother stealing it.  This is also incorrect – both new and old cars are at risk. Having a car stolen or broken into is more than simply a hassle, it can impact on people’s livelihoods.  The good news is that there are simple steps everyone can take to help reduce the risk to their car. With only a 46% recovery rate (3) we’re reminding everyone to leave your car locked, lit and empty.

The thumb-stopping social campaign launching on the 31st March will provide car users with three quick steps to increase protection of their vehicle and direct them to our website www.ourwatch.org.uk to find out more. The key messages of the campaign are:

  • Leave your car locked
    A simple mistake that can prove calamitous: 44% of cars are broken into via an unlocked door. (2)
  • Leave your car well-lit
    80% of car crime occurs during the evening or at night.(2) Parking near street lamps or in a busy area can deter thieves.
  • Leave your car empty (or with no items on show)
    Owners often forget that personal belongings within the car are at as much risk of being stolen as the car itself.

Hayward-Cripps continues “Car thieves are opportunists. Leaving items on a car seat or forgetting to lock your car can act as an invitation for crime. We want to instil the habit of double-checking where and how you’ve parked with our three simple steps: leave it locked, lit and empty. As a local charity with a trusted voice in the community, we’re asking everyone to proactively support their neighbours and friends by sharing our three steps with three others. By spreading the word, we’re confident we can crack down on car crime which can be deeply distressing and debilitating for its victims.”

The campaign launches on all Neighbourhood Watch Network’s social channels on Wednesday 31st March.  Please look out for our launch email and follow us on our social channels (Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / LinkedIn) to help spread the message within your communities.

For more information please contact our Senior Communications and Digital Manager Deborah Waller on Deborah.waller@ourwatch.org.uk 

Data sourced from:

  1. ITV, 2020
  2. ONS data
  3. OPAL and Police National Computer 

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH NETWORK (The national umbrella charity for watches across England and Wales)
Follow us.. ourwatch.org.uk / Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / LinkedIn
Neighbourhoood Watch Network is a charity registered in England & Wales, CIO no: 1173349Email tracking gif

Message Sent By
Deborah Waller (NWN, Senior Digital and Communications Manager, England and Wales)

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