More scandalous school events, 1875-1900

Adults were not the only ones to misbehave in Haslingfield School during this period. Unsurprisingly, children were also prominent in this field. In February 1879 Jane Lawrence was pickpocketed of a handkerchief containing six pennies. The Head ordered an “individual search” of every pupil in the school, and a Mary Chandler was seen to deposit something white and jangly in the cloakroom before entering the search room to be frisked by the Sewing Mistress and Pupil Teacher. The Head decided not to cane her, as he was considering criminal prosecution.

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Tennis Club

Haslingfield Lawn Tennis Club has two courts in the recreation ground next to the playground and village hall.

Non-members can use the courts by booking them and paying a small fee at the village shop.

For further details and a membership form see the 2010 newsletter (pdf)

HPC Audit complete


The annual audit of the Parish Accounts and Records is now complete, and has been closed by the auditors Moore Stephens of Peterborough. This notice will be displayed for fourteen days from today, any enquiries to the Parish Clerk.

Janet Hendy, Parish Clerk, 01223 870270

12th August 2010

Did the Romans live in Haslingfield Village?

There is archaeology everywhere, even here in the village. The Roman way of life came to this region in the later 1st century AD and collapsed by the early part of the 5th century. There is evidence, mainly pottery, that they built a farm near River farm and perhaps a villa up Cantelupe road, but not in the present village. Therefore some years ago we were surprised to find Roman pottery in a water pipe trench dug for a new house in the High street. Read more

Scandalous school events, 1875-1900

In the latest of this occasional series on life in Haslingfield School between 1875 and 1900, I thought I would regale you with some of the scandalous events which merited more than the customary single line in the log book.

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Adults in the school, 1875-1900

Those of us involved in some way with schools, as parents, staff or governors, are today accustomed to a steady turnover of teachers in our schools. This wasn’t the case during this period. There were, for example, only three head teachers – Micaiah Marshall, who stayed until the end of 1883, Ramsden Mellor from 1884 to 1890, and George Senior for the rest of the century.

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Rock on the Rec – Saturday 3 July

This Saturday, 3 July from 7.30 p.m. onwards,  local band The Tabs will be performing a free concert on Haslingfield Recreation Ground. They will be supported by Plan 17 – a Haslingfield band of 13-14 year olds. 

Everyone is welcome to come to this free event and to bring along their own food & drink, tables, chairs, lanterns, torches, and gazebos.

Haslingfield Jazz

On Friday evenings, once a month, Haslingfield Jazz provides live Dixieland & Traditional Jazz in Haslingfield Village Hall. The international players from well-known bands provide an exciting mix of music in a relaxed and informal setting.


No need to book Arrive by 8.00 p.m. £9 per person (at the door) Bring your own refreshments

2010 Concert dates: 27 Aug, 24 Sept, 22 Oct, 19 Nov and 17 Dec.


John Softleys’s Just the Job Jazz

Funding Opportunities for Local Community Groups

We have received the following information regarding possible funding for local community groups:

The Grassroots Grants Scheme – providing funding for community projects
The Donarbon Community Fund – providing funding  for the provision, maintenance or improvement of a public park or other general public amenity, or the conservation of a specific species or a specific habitat.

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