Present –Christine Kipping, Martin Heazell, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, John Offord, Marjorie Richardson, David Slight, Angela Taylor, Wendy Timbs, John Wheelhouse.
District Coun. Liz Heazell and County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance
The council meets on the second Monday of each month in the Village Centre. It is responsible for advising SCDC on planning issues, the parish budget, management of the Village Centre, Skatepark, Play Area and Recreation ground, footpaths, environmental issues, risk assessments, police liaison etc.
If you are interested in becoming involved with running the parish and contributing to decision making which affects your village, please contact the Parish Clerk, Janet Hendy 870270, by 30th April 2010
Present –Christine Kipping, Martin Heazell, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, John Offord, Marjorie Richardson, Wendy Timbs. Liz Heazell and Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance. Apologies received from John Lowe, David Slight and Angela Taylor. There was one member of the public present
Just before Christmas, we formed a small team of volunteers with web, project and design experience to create a Village Web Site for Haslingfield. We want to create a web site that is open to all to contribute and acts as a focal point on the web for the village. A basic web site should be ready by the end of February but it will continue to evolve as more people get involved and contribute.
We want the web site to be the place for up to date village information (diary, calendar, opinions, news) and have the ability to promote events and activities within the village to foster participation and community. You will also be able to raise issues and concerns (e.g. speeding, gritting) and we hope to provide the smaller clubs and societies with some web space.
However establishing and running a village web site is no small feat; especially if we want it be of value to the community. Many local villages are established on the web; Harlton, Melbourn, Newton and Hauxton provide parish news, support the churches, local clubs and amenities as well as document the history and activities in the local area. Haslingfield has a few websites already such as the choir, primary school, scarecrow festival and Little Theatre but with more people using the web, we wanted a site that draws all of this together. Our aim is to provide a core site and then take advantage of free services for photos, links, sites and even wiki entries! Church & Village will continue to be the main channel of communication and means of advertising and promoting events and activites in Haslingfield and Harlton. In this way, everyone in the village will be included, either online or in print.
If you have ideas or comments or would like to contribute then please let us know; the more people get involved, the more useful the site will be to everyone in the village. Look forward to hearing from you.