Pop Up Coffee Shop This Tuesday

The next Haslingfield Pop Up Coffee Shop is this Tuesday 12 April 8:45 – 11:30am, in aid of East Anglia Children’s Hospice at at Milton www.each.org.uk.  In March the pop up shop raised £192 for Camfed.  Go along for fairtrade tea, coffee, cakes and pastries.  Why not pop-in for breakfast after the school run? At the Methodist Church.  If you would you like to nominate a charity and run pop up shop then please contact Alison on 01223 872862 or alison.walker@methodist.org.uk

Chip & Pin Now at Village Shop

Village Shop

Village Shop

The Village Shop now accepts payments from major credit and debit cards as it has a new chip and pin machine which can be used whenever the shop is open.

Remember that the shop sells the NATIONAL LOTTERY and lottery scratch cards. It also supplies newspapers and magazines, a wide range of groceries and confectionery, fresh milk, hot drinks, cold drinks, wines and spirits, greeting cards and stationery, plus ‘bits and pieces’ such as batteries, drawing pins, etc. Fresh bread and cakes are delivered daily from Newnham Bakery and a selection of Hovis ready cut loaves are also available.

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ORDER DATE EXTENSION – Haslingfield Little Owls Preschool Bedding Plant Sale

Little Owls Plant LogoWe invite you to place an order for high quality bedding plants that we will deliver free, to your doorstep. The plants are locally grown in a nursery in Harston – a great way to support a local grower and raise money for Haslingfield Little Owls Preschool. To order your plants, please print and fill in the Plant Order Form 2016. To find out more, please click Read more


cam_quartet_queensCome and enjoy CAMSAX QUARTET and COTON HARMONIA SINGERS in concert
All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield on Saturday16 April, 7.30 pm

Admission by programme £10 – refreshments available during the interval.
Inquiries to Jose Hopkins (872190)

Film Club

movie-cameraThe next Film Club will be on Friday 15th April 2016 at 7.30pm.  We shall meet in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Running time 117 min. Certificate: PG.  We will break for refreshments half way through. Subtitles will not be used unless there is a particular request for them.  Admission is free. Read more

Coffee Morning

coffee morningAll Saints’ Coffee and Cakes

On Saturday 9th April from 10am until 12 noon, come along to All Saints’ to enjoy a cup of coffee and a friendly chat as well as a cake stall. The Church Restoration Fund will benefit from this occasion.  Offers of cakes to Merle Barton, 01223 871574.



Parish Council Elections

Parish Council elections are due to be held on Thursday 5th May 2016.  There are 11 seats available.

Nominations packs are available from the Clerk – please contact me by 30th March 2016 on 01223 264360 if you would like a pack delivered.  The Notice of Election will be posted on the Parish Council noticeboards on Wednesday 30th March.  Nominations must be hand delivered to South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne Business Park, Cambourne CB23 6EA by 4 pm on Thursday 7th April 2016.

Please contact me if you require your electoral roll number or have any other queries.

Frances Laville – Haslingfield Parish Clerk


Next Village Society Talk

image001Concorde – a 20th century icon

Captain John Hutchinson, who joined the Concorde fleet in 1977, will talk about the aircraft and what it was like to fly her.

Tuesday 19th April 2016 at 8.00pm in Haslingfield Village Hall.  Everyone welcome.

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Pub Quiz This Friday 1st April

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

The next Little Rose Pub Quiz will take place this Friday 1st April. Teams of any number up to a maximum of six can take part, entry is £10 per team with all the entry fees given out as cash prizes. First Question asked at 8pm. Just turn up on the night or book in advance. The quiz takes place on the first Friday of every month. Last month we had 7 teams take part.

For more details on the pub, click Read More…

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