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Haslingfield Allotment and Gardeners Association

The Haslingfield Allotment Gardeners Association (HAGA) is having their annual general meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 5th December in the the Village Hall at 19:30.

They have some vacant plots so if you have some spare time and want either a plot or get involved then just come along or contact Julie Seeking on 01223 871287 or email

Charity Fair

A great opportunity for you to do some of your Christmas shopping, and have your lunch, in a relaxed atmosphere.
This year we have 15 different charities with a variety of different items, so there should be something for everyone. It’s also an opportunity to remember those who are struggling this year, by bringing along an item for the Cambridge Foodbank.
Lots of people have been crocheting and knitting poppies in remembrance of those who died in the Great War and there will be a quiet area where they will be displayed.
We hope to see you there.

C259 Barton, Haslingfield Road Works

Please be aware that we will be commencing carriageway resurfacing works at the above location from Monday 29th October for 5 days. The works will take place Monday – Friday during the day from 0730 – 1830.
Apologies for the late notice regarding this, it is a scheme we have brought forward in the programme due to the fact another had to be pushed back to accommodate other works. Visit: for more details.

Trad Jazz Night in the Village Hall

The Rotary Club of Cambridge South is having another Jazz Night on the 9th November at 7pm in the Haslingfield Village Hall to raise funds for Camsight. Tickets are £15 each and available from the village shop.