Xmas Pub Quiz Friday 2nd December

Pub Xmas Programme

Pub Xmas Programme

The special Christmas Little Rose Pub Quiz will take place this Friday 2nd December from 8pm. Teams of any number up to a maximum of six can take part, entry is £10 per team with all the entry fees given out as cash prizes. First Question asked at 8pm. Just turn up on the night or book in advance. The quiz takes place on the first Friday of every month. It’s great fun with a good number of all local teams taking part each month. There’s 6 rounds covering many topics including special rounds on the festive season as well as a picture round. The quiz finishes around 10pm with a break halfway through where special Christmas treats will be served!

Film Club

movie-cameraThe next Film Club meeting  will be on Friday 9th December 2016 at 7.30pm in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 90 min. Certificate: Universal.  We will break for mince pies, tea and coffee, half way through.  Following discussions with Film Club members, we plan to use subtitles.    Read more

Haslingfield Allotment Gardeners Association (HAGA) – AGM

Vegetable GardenThe Haslingfield Allotment Gardeners Association (HAGA) is having their annual general meeting (AGM) on Monday 5th December in the Little Rose at 19:30. They have some vacant plots so if you have some spare time and want either a plot or get involved then just come along.
Ron van der Hoorn – Treasurer

Hare and Hounds – Harlton

hare-hounds-2There will be a meeting on Monday 5th December at 7.30pm, in Harlton Village Hall, to seek approval from the pledgers for the bid the committee plans to submit on Tuesday 6th December and to provide an update on progress to date. For more information please click here.

It is still not too late to pledge funds!

Burglary – Wells Close, Haslingfield

Samuel Kennedy (Police, PCSO, South Cambridgeshire – Cambourne)

eCops logoBurglary dwelling, Wells Close, Haslingfield, committed 25/11/2016. Unknown offender(s) have forced entry to a property via a rear door by using a garden spade. CF0544911116 refers.

If you have any information relating to the crime reported, please contact the police on 101. Or if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111.

Coffee Morning Update – Monday 28th November 9am – 12noon

coffee morning
Coffee Morning – Helping to keep our community and village safer from unwanted crime. Find out about the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme.
Do you know who your NHW Street Co-ordinator is?
Would you like to be a NHW Street Co-ordinator for your street?
We are holding the coffee morning at No. 2 Watson’s Yard on Monday 28th November 9am – 12 noon please join us!
Rachel Carr – Crime Reduction Officer will arrive at 10am with low cost security gadgets, including shed alarms for sale. Lots of free booklets/leaflets and advice on how we can help ourselves from becoming victims of crime. You can sign up with Rachel for a free Home Security Survey.
 Lina Josephs and Teresa Harrold – Village NHW Co-ordinator

Pub Xmas Menu Launched

Pub Xmas Meals

Pub Xmas Meals

This year’s range of Christmas Meals has just been launched by the Little Rose, the village’s last remaining pub. Ranging from the traditional Turkey with all the trimmings to Vegetarian and Gluten Free options, every taste is catered for. The cost is £21-95 for Adults and £12-00 for Children for all three courses. For more details just click Read More… Read more

Bogus caller in the area

Lindsay Gardiner (Police, PCSO, South Cambridgeshire – Cambourne)

eCops logo18/11/2016 14:00 – 14:50 High Street, Harston

Theft, Male offender has knocked at an address at the above location and has told an elderly occupant that he works for a charity and is selling items to raise money. The offender claimed the items were of high value but they were in fact low value.

If you have any information about this crime then please call 101.

A Night at the Opera: Saturday 3 December, 8.30pm

Little Owls Preschool LogoPlease join us for ‘A Night at the Opera’ at All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield in support of Little Owls Preschool. Jessica Lawrence-Hares (mezzo-soprano), Robert Haylett (baritone) and Olga Elbourn (piano) will present an evening of favourite opera classics. Tickets are £15 and include a glass of mulled wine on arrival, puddings, cheese and biscuits. Read more

Dwelling Burglary in Chestnut Close

eCops logoDwelling burglary, Chestnut Close, Haslingfield, committed between 11/11/2016-15/11/2016. Unknown offender(s) unlocked rear door and removed handbag containing cash and cheques. CF0523941116 refers.
If you have any information relating to this crime, please contact the police on 101. Or, if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111.
PCSO 7156 Samuel Kennedy, South Cambs Division, Cambridgeshire Constabulary

THIS SATURDAY 19 NOVEMBER: Charity Fair – 11.00 am to 2.30 pm – Haslingfield Methodist Church

charity-fair-poster-2016Don’t miss the Charity Fair – this Saturday 19 November at Haslingfield Methodist Church. 15 National and Local charities will be having stalls where you can buy your Christmas cards, books, Christmas Puddings, preserves, gifts, plants etc. 3 of these charities are new to our fair. During the day, delicious homemade food will be available, including light lunches. Something for everyone!


Find out more about this year’s stallholders… Read more