Next Village Society Talk

On Tuesday 23rd May 2017 at 8.00pm in Haslingfield Village Hall, Jenny Oxley, Curator/Manager of Royston Museum will talk on Royston Tapestry and the History of Royston and its Museum”.   Read more

PTFA Quiz Night!

Fundraising Quiz Night – Thursday 18th May, 7.30pm. 
Dust off your thinking caps and come along to our fundraising quiz night at Haslingfield Primary School on Thursday 18th May 7.30pm! Bring a team or join a table on the night. There will be a cash and hamper prize for the winning team! Tickets cost £10 per person which includes quiz entry and a delicious two course meal followed by tea/coffee. The PTFA is very proud to be partnering with the catering arm of Cambridge Food Cycle, so you will be supporting two charities in one event! Tickets must be bought in advance from We hope to see you there!

Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Information Session: 11 May, Methodist Church

Age UK Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is our local independent charity working with, and for, older people across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough. Their objectives are to help older people to maintain their independence, health and wellbeing by providing services that meet their individual needs.

On Thursday 11th May, from 2pm to 3pm, in the Methodist Church, there will be the opportunity to find out more about the Information and Advice Service that they offer.  Read more

Parking Crackdown – Area Commander Update

Message sent by
James Sutherland (Police, Chief Inspector, South Cambridgeshire)

In February we launched a web-site where you could register complaints about parking in your village. As promised we have taken the information that you gave us and have run our first two crackdown days.
During these days we ring-fenced our PCSOs and deployed them only to the places where you told us parking was a problem.  Before deploying our PCSOs I took a careful review of the information and it was clear to me that a lot of the parking being complained about wasn’t necessarily illegal.  This is due to some confusion about the difference between a Highway Code Rule and the rules established by the Road Traffic Act.  Without getting too technical, there are some rules in the highway code which are ‘should not’ and some that are ‘must not’.  Only the latter can be legally enforced.  Click on Read More for further information. Read more

Tourists Targeted by Fake Police Officers


There has been a series of recent incidents reported to Action Fraud where a lone fraudster has approached victims whom they believe to be unfamiliar with the local area. They make an excuse to talk to the victims such as enquiring about directions or offering a recommendation for a good hotel. Click on Read More for further information.
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Longer Opening Hours & Bank Holiday Opening for Village Shop

The Village Shop

The Village Shop

This Bank Holiday Monday 1st May the Village Shop will be open from 8am until 4pm and the Post Office counter will be closed.

From Tuesday 2nd May the shop will now be open an hour longer every day from Monday to Saturday, this is due to popular demand. These are the new shop opening hours:-
Mondays to Fridays:   7.00 am – 8.00 pm
Saturdays:    8.00 am – 7.00 pm

For more details on the Village Shop click Read More…

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Poetry Evening

Haslingfield Little Theatre is holding Poetry Evening at Haslingfield Village Hall on Friday 28th April, starting at 7:30pm, cost £1. Please do come along and support us. We will be sitting round cafe-style tables, so bring your own drink, nibbles will be provided and enjoy listening to some poetry.