Picking up after dogs

The Parish Council have become aware that with the increased dog ownership during lockdown our pavements and public/dog walking areas are regularly being fouled and irresponsible owners are not picking up after their dogs.

PLEASE can you consider others and show responsible behaviour when out walking your dogs so we can all enjoy our lovely village. Thank you

Emergency Contact List

In  the  case  of  a  Village  or  Community  Emergency please  contact  one or all  of the  following:



Diana Offord

Title: Emergency Planning Officer
24hr telephone contact: 01223 870037
Email: diana.offord@haslingfieldparish.co.uk



Jacqui Cressey

Title: Parish Clerk
24hr telephone contact: 01223 870269
Email: clerk@haslingfieldparish.co.uk


South Cambs

Email:  duty.communities@scambs.gov.uk
Telephone contact:  01954 713070

NHW – Attempted Theft Reported in Barton

ATTEMPTED THEFT!!! Reported by owner:
“Please keep your eyes peeled and everything locked up. We have just had a silver 4×4 with muddied number plates come into our farm yard in Barton. 4 hooded men in the car. When our farm help approached the car, they tried to reverse into him twice and then drove off. Thankfully he wasn’t hurt and nothing taken. Police informed.”
If anyone knows anything please contact the Police on 101 or Anonymously on Crime Stoppers 0800 555 111
Teresa Harrold  NHW – Haslingfield Village Co-ordinator

Stay Up to Date with East West Rail Matters

A new email group has been set up for  residents Haslingfield and Harlton so that we can exchange information and views about the  proposed  East West Rail line and how it might affect the villages of Haslingfield and Harlton. You can of course stay in touch with wider issues on cambridgeapproaches.org and also on the excellent Haslingfield and Harlton facebook group.

To be added to the email group please email info@cambridgeapproaches.org and we will add you.