Your help needed in getting FASTER BROADBAND in Haslingfield

Do you know about the opportunity to get faster broadband for those of us on the Harston exchange (which includes Haslingfield) by voting on a BT website?
If 1000 votes are lodged for the Harston exchange we could be fast-tracked for an upgraded service, which will not only affect BT customers but those on other networks too.
The way to vote is to go to – it takes less than a minute to do, and as at Sunday 10 October , we still have quite a way to go before we reach the 1000 votes needed, so please “spread the word” after voting yourself.

Unexplained Death in Victorian Haslingfield

‘The Haslingfield Chronicle 1776-1900’ is a collection of newspaper articles printed in the ‘Cambridge Chronicle’ relating to the village, and the Village Society is hoping to arrange a reprint sometime in the future. One of the items regularly reported is unexplained death. Read more

A Concert to Celebrate the Life of Margaret Houghton M.B.E.

For thirty-nine years, Margaret Houghton, who sadly died this June, was the inspiration and power house behind Haslingfield Choir and Orchestra, directing two concerts a year in All Saints Church. Now, the choir and orchestra are celebrating her achievement with a concert in All Saints Church on Saturday, October 16th at 7.30 pm.

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Recent Burglaries

We have these reports from Holly Chandler our Watch Scheme Support Officer based in Cambridge Constabulary.

On the 1st September between 12.30am and 5.50am, a property on Church Street, Haslingfield was broken into. Unknown offender(s) have entered the property either through the front or back door and have stolen high value electrical items, such as a laptop and television, along with cash and mobile phones.

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HVS: Energy in the Home


“Energy Saving is a modern priority, not just a responsibility for governments,
but also for us in our homes.”

On Tuesday 19 October at 8.00 p.m. in the Village Hall, Dr. Martin Roach will talk about this vital issue. He will review energy consumption in the average home, with ideas on how to reduce our usage. The talk has been organised by the Village Society – everyone is welcome to attend.


HVS: Writing Plays for Radio

Playwright, producer and actor Nick Warburton will be guest speaker at the Haslingfield Village Society on Tuesday, 16 November.  Nick will relate how he began writing plays for the radio, many of which you may have heard on BBC broadcasts. It promises to be a very interesting evening about what goes into the entertainment we enjoy. Everyone is very welcome to the Village Society talks. 

Venue: Haslingfield Village Centre            Date:  16 November            Time:  8.00 p.m

Haslingfield Dog Show

The first Haslingfield Dog Show was held on Well House Meadow on 11 September 2010.

The ring was set up and the team were ready for the entries; people started arriving and the heavens opened; the water had to be continually swiped off the table with David standing with umbrellas hovering over it; people trying to write on soggy paper whilst holding onto their dogs – a good start. It was only the glimpse of blue sky on the horizon that kept us going.

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Scarecrows ‘on tour’

A number of scarecrows were apparently moved from the village to a roundabout on the A603 / M11 junction, and one was found in Hardwick. They have since been returned to the village – no doubt to the great relief of their owners who will have put a lot of work into them.

Are all the scarecrows now accounted for?
Who moved them and why?
Were they trying to hitch a lift up the A14?