The Haslingfield Environmental Working Party is planning further projects around the parish including a survey of the flora and fauna in the local landscape. Are you a keen naturalist / birdwatcher who would be willing to help us?
We are also seeking recruits for occasional ‘hands on’ work in the Wellhouse Meadow, and for the Millenium Pond Project. To find out more, please phone Martin Heazell (870289) or Clive Blower (870741)
There are still tickets available for Haslingfield Little Theatre’s new show:There’s Snow Business…. which includes a very funny script; singing and dancing to both well-known and new songs; plus magic by our own Merlin and Santa Claus.
Come and enjoy the performance by your local village drama group, who have been putting on plays to entertain us for 21 years!
We have lots of fun activities for you this year including; face painting, tombola, snowball scavenge, mulled wine, mince pies, cakes, hot food and refreshments available, raffle and carol singing. So please come along and enjoy a mince pie and some lovely carol singing to get you in the mood for the coming Christmas festivities….
We are currently looking for someone (male or female) to volunteer for the role of PTFA Secretary. Training and support will be given. If you are a person living in the local community who can spare some time, then please contact Helen at or phone 870139. Read more
Between the 8th November at 12pm and the 9th November at 6.45pm, a property in Cantelupe Road, Haslingfield, was broken into. Unknown offender(s) have gained entry into the property by forcing open a wooden framed door frame in the rear conservatory. A search has been conducted and so far it is known that electrical items have been stolen. Read more
THERE’S SNOW BUSINESS …..will magically transport you through time to:
The Victorian Era in the depths of winter; The Land of King Arthur – complete with Merlin and Medieval Serfs. Meanwhile, a timeless Santa Claus has troubles of his own!
Venue: Haslingfield Village Hall When: 25, 26, 27 November at 19.30
+ Matinee at 14.00 on 27 Nov. Tickets: £7 / £5 concessions (no concessions on 27 Nov.) Available from Haslingfield Village Shop and from Jan Date on (01223) 872007 or at
By all accounts everyone had a good time and the whole village enjoyed the fireworks! Our thanks to all who came and helped us to raise around £1600, of which £320 will be donated to the Haslingfield Village Fund in appreciation of the support we receive from the whole community. Read more
A celebration by the Haslingfield/Barton Scout Group and Haslingfield Playschool will be held in the Well House Meadow, Haslingfield on Saturday 6 November. Gates open at 6.00 p.m. (firework display at 6.30. p.m.) Read more
The roads around Haslingfield appear to have been very unsafe places in the 19th century, and the ‘Cambridge Chronicle’ is filled with largely gruesome reports of fatal accidents. The following are not quite so gruesome, but do illustrate the dangers. There were clearly roadhogs around at the time. In August 1825, the Haslingfield carrier, who delivered post to and from Cambridge, was fined £2 for driving on the wrong side of the road “and thereby obstructing the gig of F.C. Knowles, Esq.” He seems to have exacerbated the situation somewhat by throwing stones at Mr. Knowles, for which he was fined another £1 which was “paid … to the treasurer of Addenbrooke’s Hospital”, an untapped source of income perhaps for today’s NHS. Read more
New members always welcome for a fun evening of dancing, a bit like a barn dance. We usually meet on Tuesdays between 8pm and 10pm every month (except July and August) at either Haslingfield or Harston Village Hall. It costs just £1 per evening.
It doesn’t matter if you have never done it before, our expert callers stand on the stage and tell us all what to do. New members are always welcome, and you do not need to live in the villages. You do not need to bring a partner. We just come to have fun – we do not take “getting it right” very seriously.
All the dance dates are in the calendar. For more information, click here or phone Clive on (01223) 870741.
Support our outreach work in Cambridgeshire’s villages and towns. How we receive our television signal is changing. At the end of March 2011, the current analogue signal will be turned off and replaced with a digital signal that you will need special equipment to receive. The national “Switchover Help Scheme” has been well-publicised but there will still be many people who do not understand what Switchover is about and these are likely to be the most vulnerable people in our communities. Read more