Haslingfield Colts Suffer First Defeat of the Season

Haslingfield Colts FC Under 14’s had their first loss of the season, losing at home to Cottenham 3-2. Here are the match stats:-

Haslingfield Colts Boys Under 14’s
Cambridge and District Colts League Under 14B
Match Date Sunday 20th October
Final Score Haslingfield Colts 2 – 3 Cottenham United Colts Red (Halftime 1-0)
On 2 minutes Sam Roberts scored for Haslingfield
On 36 minutes Aaron Berryman scored for Haslingfield
On 50 minutes Zak Swygart scored for Cottenham
On 53 minutes James Bacon scored for Cottenham
On 60 minutes Jayden Keeble-Wright scored for Cottenham

For all the information on the club, check out its website: www.haslingfieldcolts.co.uk


Service of Prayer & Reflection

 candleA service for Haslingfield, Harston and The Eversdens to remember loved ones who have died will take place in Harlton Parish Church on Thursday 31st October at 7.30pm.  During the service there will be an opportunity to hear the names of people you have loved who have passed away.   There will also be a time for candles to be lit to remember those people, followed by a period of quiet reflection.   All are welcome to this service.

Read more

Children’s Sunday Club

P1030293The Children’s Sunday Club is held at All Saints  Church on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 9.30am, whilst the main service is taking place. The children move to the vestry (recently refurbished) after the first hymn, where they listen to a Bible story, do a craft activity and learn a song. They re-join the service shortly before it ends.   Read more

Break-in at Village Hall

Village HallThere has been a break-in at the Haslingfield Village Hall during the night from 5th October – 6th October. 2 windows have been damaged and intruder(s) gained access by removing one of the windows overlooking the recreation ground. Apart from the damage to the windows it does not appear that anything has been stolen or damaged. If anyone has any information regarding this incident then please contact Janet Hendy or Ron van der Hoorn with details. Read more

Pies, Pies and Sausage rolls

Country Kitchen HalloweenCountry Kitchen has now been trading for six months and we’re still honing our product lines and growing our customer base. But one thing we do know for sure is that our best seller by a million miles are our sausage rolls, which we make on-site, followed closely by pies and then our quiches and other food cooked on-site. Read more

Annual Safari Supper is Here

The village Tennis Club warmly invites you to this year’s Safari Supper which will be held on Saturday 23rd November, from 7pm. It’s usually a fantastic evening with all money raised going to the club. Tickets are £10/head (£5 for Main Course hosts), and if you would like to join in you need to:- Read more

Well-Being Group Meetings

image 1Forthcoming dates:
Saturdays  12th and 26th October, 9th and 23rd November, 7th and 21st December 2013;
Time: 10.30 am to 12.00;
Place: Methodist Church Room, High Street, Haslingfield.
Coffee and cakes served. Read more

CamSight News

100-camsight-logo-rgbMany thanks to the generous people in this village, and Harlton, who contributed £1,365.67 through the House to House collection earlier this year. We plan to raise more money at the Charity Fair at the Methodist Church on 16th November, by selling preserves and small gifts, and would be very grateful for any contributions to the stall. More details on:  870227. Read more