International Harp Concert

A rare event.

On 7th July, International harpist, Robin Ward will be playing his own handcrafted triple harp in the beautiful surroundings of Haslingfield Parish Church.   Robin’s talent, combined with his engaging and informative performance approach, is a treat not to be missed.  His programme will include a wide variety of music from the Baroque, Classical, and Romantic periods, and from Folk Traditions, with a combination of his own transcriptions and music originally written for the instrument; for a flavour of it,  go to  .  He will also talk briefly about harp construction.

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Super Tennis Sunday

It’s a big day this Sunday (8th July) for the village Tennis Club. It’s hosting a Mixed Doubles Tournament starting at 10:30am on the tennis courts. Then later in the day, it’s holding its annual Summer Barbeque starting at 2pm in The Little Rose Pub. Read more

Jubilee Brass Band Concert

Fresh from their success in Paris, City of Cambridge Brass Band performs in the great arena of Haslingfield’s medieval parish church to celebrate the 2012 Jubilee.  Wednesday 6th June at 8.00 pm. Read more

TICKETS AVAILABLE – The Importance of Being Earnest

Haslingfield Little Theatre will be performing The Importance of Being Earnest tonight, 17 May, tomorrow, 18 May and Saturday 19 May, at 7.45 p.m. at Haslingfield Village Centre. There are still some tickets available from the Village Shop – Haslingfield at £8 each / £5 concessions (no concessions Saturday).

Do come along – it’s a wonderful production!

Allotment Working Party

The Village’s Allotment Group, HAGA. on Sunday 13 May from 1pm-3pm has organised the next working party to fill in ruts on perimeter track with rubble and clear remaining rubbish in ditch. All help greatly appreciated. More details are here.

Next Village Society Talk

Hear, ye! Hear,Ye! “Pickwick’s Cambridge Scrapbook” read by Mike Petty, with references to Haslingfield.      Mike is an authority on Cambridge and the fenland and has won a national award for his lectures and articles.  We know his talks as informative and amusing. Read more

Film Club

The next film show will be at 7.30 on Friday 11th May 2012 in Haslingfield Methodist Church.  Admission is free.  Tea/Coffee half way through, collection to cover refreshments and facilities. Read more

No Space at the Allotments

The village’s Allotment Group, HAGA, say all their plots are taken and they have four people on their waiting list. All this and more was discussed at the association’s recent committee meeting. The minutes of the meeting are below… Read more