Haslingfield Parish Clerk

Haslingfield Parish Council are delighted to announce the arrival of our new Parish Clerk, Vicky Crowden. Vicky has previously worked extensively in retail banking and management consultancy and starts with immediate effect. May we also take this opportunity to offer our thanks to our previous clerk, Frances Laville.
We continue to welcome communication from our parishioners. Vicky can be contacted by email (clerk@haslingfieldparish.co.uk) or by phone 07495 435029.

Jenny Jullien – Chairman, Haslingfield Parish Council

Burglary Barton Road and Theft of lead from All Saints Church

Barton Road-Haslingfield Dwelling burglary                          Between the 28th May at 17:00 and the 30th May at 12:00hrs, unknown offender/s have gained entry to a property by forcing the rear door to open. It is unclear what has been taken.

All Saints Church-Haslingfield Theft of lead from Church roof  Thursday the 31st May at 03:00hrs, unknown offender/s, removed and taken the lead roofing. N.B. A large quantity of lead has been stolen during the previous week 19/05/2018 09:00 to 26/05/2018 09:30

If you have any information which may assist us with the investigation into these crimes then please call 101, or call crime stoppers anonymously 0800 555 111.

Bujar Mani (Police , PCSO, South Cambridgeshire – Histon)


Haslingfield: Burglary Harston Road and Break-in New Road

08/05/2018 between 22:49 – 22:57 Harston Road, Haslingfield A crowbar was used to force entry through a warehouse door and a large quantity of lead was stolen from within.

01/04/2018 – 10/05/2018 New road, Haslingfield. The door of a house was jemmied open and an untidy search carried out.

If you have any information which may assist with the investigation into these crimes then please call 101, or call crime stoppers anonymously 0800 555 111.

Message Sent By Joe Haylock (Police, PCSO, South Cambs – Histon)

CCC Library Van

The Thursday 3rd May 2018 visit was postponed because of staff sickness. 

The Library Van visit to Haslingfield will now be on Wednesday 9th May 2018 at the usual time.

Haslingfield Parish Council Parish Clerk

I am sorry to announce that Frances Laville, the Parish Clerk will be leaving her role during May 2018. She has been appointed as Parish Clerk for the village of Caldecote. We would like to thank her for the sterling work that she has done for the parish, we will miss her greatly but wish her every success in her new role.

We are now in need of appointing a new Parish Clerk. Please find details here.

Jenny Julien – Chairman – Haslingfield Parish Council