False notices

It has come to the Parish Council’s attention that someone has put up notices regarding dog poo painting.
Any notices in the village relating to dog poo painting purporting to come from the Parish Council are false.

Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return – year ending 31/03/22

The Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) – Accounts for the Year Ended 31 March 2022 is posted here.

Please note that Sections 1 & 2 of the AGAR 2021-22, along with this notice for y/e 31 March 2022, are published on the Parish Council page of the Haslingfield village website, the Parish Council’s own website and can also be found in paper format on the PC notice boards.  These are unaudited and may be subject to change.

Vacancies for Parish Councillors

Haslingfield Parish Council are looking for new Councillors. 

Do you love Haslingfield and want to shape its future?

Do you enjoy being part of a team?

If so, please consider volunteering!  No special skills required.

Position is open to those age 18+ who live, work or own land in the village or within 3 miles of the parish boundary and are British subjects or EU nationals.  Anyone interested in volunteering should contact the Parish Clerk by email clerk@haslingfieldparish.co.uk or telephone: 01223 870269


Parish Council Elections – 5 May 2022

Parish Council elections are due to be held on Thursday 5 May 2022.  There are 11 seats available.

The Notice of Election can be found here and on Parish Council noticeboards.

Nominations packs are available from the Clerk – please contact me by 31 March on 01223 870269 or clerk@haslingfieldparish.co.uk if you would like a pack delivered.  You can also download the nomination pack.    Nominations must be hand delivered to South Cambridgeshire Hall, Cambourne Business Park, Cambourne CB23 6EA by 4 pm on Tuesday 5 April 2022.

Please contact me if you require your electoral roll number or have any other queries.

Lise Jackson – Haslingfield Parish Clerk