Comberton Village College: A Note from the Principal

One of the ‘Big New Ideas’ from the Coalition Government regarding education relates to ‘Teaching Schools’. This is the suggestion that some schools nationally should be designated with this title. The notion and the terminology are based on the model of ‘Teaching Hospitals’. Some schools are to be seen as beacons of good practice and should take the lead in the training and the professional development of the teaching profession. Read more

Reclaimed timber for home and garden DIY!

Cambridge Wood Works CIC is a social enterprise based at Penn Farm Studios, Harston Road, Haslingfield. We collect*, sell, re-use and recycle waste timber for Cambridge and surrounding villages. For more information, please visit our website: *We do charge for collections (£16.20 per cubic yard) however we’re cheaper than skips and none of our waste goes to landfill. Read more

Burglaries in East Hatley/Hatley St. George areas

Neighbourhood Watch Update:  5th September 2011 

  • Between the hours of 8.10am and 1.26pm, a burglary occurred at a property in Main Street, Hatley St. George.  Unknown offender(s) forced entry, conducted an untidy search throughout and left removing keys to a vehicle and the property.  Read more

Country Walks in Haslingfield

The County Council has recently sent through a 1:10000 map of the parish, showing all the registered footpaths in the Parish. So if you are thinking of going for a walk, its well worth downloading the map to see what’s available. More information about the map and how to get it are available under the Haslingfield menu.

Summer Holiday Play Scheme at Orwell

Petersfield schools holiday club (Puffins) is running a holiday scheme, for children above 3 on:  Monday 25th July to Wednesday 28th July, Monday 1st August to Wednesday 3rd August and Monday 8th August to Wednesday 10th August.Puffins is run by highly qualified and experienced staff. Facilities are based within Petersfield School (Orwell) and include access to school playing field, fully equipped kitchen, numerous toys and equipment. Read more

The Haslingfield Hunt (Geocaching)

For those of you that have not tried it there is a fun “geocaching” route called the Haslingfield Hunt. If don’t know what geocaching is follow this link for an explanation. It has been there since 2007, but we successfully completed it a couple of weeks ago. We heard about it from friends and thought it would be an idea to advertise it on the site so more local  people know about it. You need a hand held GPS, a note pad and paper and to be able to walk about a mile or so on good paths. All the stages are quite close to each other so if your calculation takes you a hundred miles away you must have got the numbers wrong! It starts by the village sign and more details can be found here.

Cambridge Open Studios in Haslingfield

This summer, Cambridge Open Studios will take place on the first four weekends of July. Haslingfield has one artist exhibiting this year – Terry Baker. Her studio and garden will be open from 11.00 a.m. until 6.00 p.m. on the weekends 16/17 July and 23/24 July. She will be showing many of the mosaic pieces she has made over the past 12 years, including the table-top map of Haslingfield that you can see on the masthead of this website. Read more