Trumpington Farm Road Closure

This is to let you know that access through the Estate will be totally CLOSED to all traffic from next Monday, 30 March until Monday, 13 April. There will be no access whatsoever during this time. We have planned the work to coincide with Easter and the school holidays thereby hopefully causing minimum disruption. Read more

CANCELLED: Pub Quiz this Friday 27th March

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

The pub quiz scheduled for this Friday 27th March has been cancelled due to illness.

The last Friday of every month usually means Quiz Night at the Little Rose Pub with Cash Prizes. Teams of any number up to a maximum of six can take part, entry is £10 per team including nibbles. First Question asked at 8pm. Just turn up on the night or book in advance. All of the entry fees are given out in prizes.

Please click ‘Read More’ for more information about the pub and quiz…

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Tennis Club Coaching for 2015


Tennis Club

with Coach Paul Bonnington

Easter Coaching Week – Monday 30th March to Friday 3rd April
Sessions are: 10 am – 12  noon (6-8 years) and 1 – 3 pm (9-12 years)
Costs: Members: £9 per person per day or £45 per person per week
Non-members: £10 per person per day or £50 per week
For full details of all the coaching available over the up coming season, just click on ‘Read More’…

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Bingo at the Pub this Wednesday

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

This Wednesday 11th March, Bingo returns to the Little Rose Pub with cash prizes. First number will be drawn at 8pm. Just turn up to take part. The last bingo session last month had prizes of £5 for a line and £15 for a full house for the first five games, then £10 for a line and £20 for a full house for the second five games. The final game, the Flyer, had a top prize of £80. All the entry fees are given out as prizes. Each book gives you 10 games, you can buy six books for £6 or £1 per book, with 6 Flyers for £3 or 3 Flyers for £1.50 plus an optional raffle ticket at £1 per strip. The Bingo takes place at the pub on the Second and Fourth Wednesday of every month. For more details on the Bingo and the pub, please click ‘Read More’…

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Dial-a-Ride Needs Your Help

BusCambridge Dial-a-Ride  is a charitable organisation which provides transport for groups and individuals who otherwise have difficulty accessing public transport. It offers this service on week days in the City of Cambridge and surrounding villages, including Haslingfield.  We are asking for your help in recommending us for a small grant. Read more

Stable Manure

Cooks LiverysFREE to gardeners and allotment holders from Cooks Liverys (next field along from Grove Farm).  Just help yourself – bring good wellies! Someone is usually there in the mornings to 11.00 am and afternoons after 4.00 pm.  Contact 07788 458600.

Waterboard’ Hoax Burglary Series – South Cambs 20/02/2015

Please be aware there have been a number of burglaries and attempted distraction burglaries that are believed to be linked.
A burglary was reported between 15:50 – 16:00hrs 18/02/2015 at Church Street, Haslingfield. A witness saw four males leaving the property they were described as tanned possible Eastern Mediterranean, one male was waiting in a vehicle nearby. He was described as unshaven, with dark hair, wearing a peaked cap. All the males wore fluorescent jackets. Read more

Pub Quiz Night this Friday

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

This Friday 27th February sees that next Quiz Night at the Little Rose Pub with Cash Prizes. Teams of any number up to a maximum of six can take part, entry is £10 per team including nibbles. First Question asked at 8pm. Just turn up on the night or book in advance. All of the entry fees are given out in prizes. The last quiz saw the winning team go home with £40 and cash prizes for other places.
Also, any village club, society or group are welcome to use the newly decorated Lounge bar for meetings or get togethers for free. Simply turn up when the pub is open and make yourself at home.
The pub sells a wide range of drinks including real ales, real cider, teas, coffees, lager, spirits and soft drinks alongside food and welcomes families with children of any age. Read more

Free Live Music on Valentines Night

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

There’s a Free Cocktail for the Ladies and free live music is being held this Saturday 14th February to celebrate Valentines Day at the Little Rose Pub. The Live music is from the duo The Weekenders who’ll be playing music that everyone likes. It all starts at 8pm.

Also, any village club, society or group are welcome to use the newly decorated Lounge bar for meetings or get togethers for free. Simply turn up when the pub is open and make yourself at home. It also welcomes families with children of any age. For more information on the pub and what it sells, Read more

Haslingfield Village Fund to Close

The Committee has decided to wind up the fund due to lack of new income but will accept grant applications within that period.   At the end of the six month period, any money remaining in the fund will be dispensed in accordance with the fund objectives as set out in the constitution. For more information or to apply for a grant, please contact one of the following:
Sally Coles (871403),   Michael Hendy (870270),   David Rutherford (871585) or Jay Cole (870688)    
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Bingo this Wednesday at the Pub

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

This Wednesday 11th February, Bingo returns to the Little Rose Pub with cash prizes. First number will be drawn at 8pm. Just turn up to take part. The last bingo session last month had prizes of £5 for a line and £10 for a full house for the first five games, then £10 for a line and £20 for a full house for the second five games. The final game, the Flyer, had a top prize of £70. All the entry fees are given out as prizes. Each book gives you 10 games, you can buy six books for £6 or £1 per book, with 6 Flyers for £3 or 3 Flyers for £1.50 plus an optional raffle ticket at £1 per strip. The Bingo takes place at the pub on the Second Wednesday of every month.

Any village club, society or group is welcome to use the newly decorated Lounge bar for meetings or get togethers for free. Simply turn up when the pub is open and make yourself at home.

For more information about the real ales, real cider, teas, coffees, and other drinks on sale at the moment, please click ‘Read More’…

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Should South Cambs Help Save Village Pubs?

At the moment, a village pub like the Little Rose, can be demolished or changed into a shop or office without having to get planning permission to do this. South Cambridgeshire District Council is currently seeking views concerning the proposed use of something called Article 4 directions which could be used to prevent this and therefore help retain village pubs. It’s something that the Little Rose Support Group has explored and supports, as does the Campaign for Real Ale (CamRA). For more info and to take part and submit your views online, please click “Read More” below:-

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