Food Vans in the Village Hall Car Park

Food venerating villagers – This week we have arranged again a number of food vans providing delicious food in the village hall car park on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 17:00-20:00. Sorry but not Sunday this week.
Different cuisines will be catered for from different companies. This Thursday 15/4 will be all things poultry and crispy from Buffalo Joe (you MUST preorder – no walk up orders), Friday 16/4 will be authentic sour-dough pizza from La Biga (every Friday), on Saturday 17/4 will be “dirty” burgers and fries from Apple & Jalapeno 

All  vans have covid secure contactless payment options and try to pre-order using the links.….Enjoy!

What does a Sustainable Food System Look Like (and how can we help create one locally)?

On line talk With Duncan Catchpole
When: 22 April 2021, 8 pm
How to register: Email for the ZOOM link,
The food system is one of the drivers of climate change and wildlife decline worldwide. It also contributes to food insecurity and inequality – as we’ve seen during the pandemic lockdown.
We can do better – and Cambridge Sustainable Food is helping communities figure out how to localise their food system and reduce waste. So we’ve invited Duncan Catchpole, Founder and owner of Haslingfield based organic food supplier COFCO and board member of Cambridge Sustainable Food to have a conversation with us about how we can all work together to develop and support a vibrant local food system. Read more

Food Vans in the Village Hall Car Park

Food worshipping villagers – This week we have arranged again a number of food vans providing delicious food in the village hall car park on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 17:00-20:00. Sorry but not Sunday this week.
Different cuisines will be catered for from different companies. This Thursday 8/4 will be South African and Caribbean fusion from Kerief Catering, Friday 9/4 will be authentic sour-dough pizza from La Biga (every Friday), on Saturday 10/4 will be super juicy burgers from Steak and Honour.

All  vans have covid secure contactless payment options and try to pre-order using the links.….Enjoy!

Table Tennis Table

Table tennis table is now available for all to use, on a first come first serve basis. Located by the playground / tennis courts. There are bats and balls available for use, with a £2 refundable deposit, at the village shop. Enjoy! 

East West Rail 2nd Non-Statutory Consultation Open until 9th June

EWR Co’s consultation opened yesterday. They are consulting on a single route alignment for Haslingfield and Harlton which is part of a 7km long elevated section from north of The Eversdens to somewhere east of Harston. With the exception of an up to 17m deep cutting on Chapel Hill the rest of the proposed route seems to be about at or about 10m above local ground level so at or above rooftop height. The proposed track crosses the Harlton to Haslingfield road just outside Harlton and has an underpass for road traffic. There is a map of the route here and a section plan here. The rest of the consultation can be found here.

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Food Vans in the Village Hall Car Park

Food adoring villagers – This week we have arranged again a number of food vans providing delicious food in the village hall car park on Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 17:00-20:00.
Different cuisines will be catered for from different companies. This Friday 2/4 will be pizza from La Biga (every Friday), on Saturday 3/4 will be North African street food mezze from The Wandering Yak and on Sunday (4/4) will be Mexican food and rumour has it lamb is on the menu in true Easter tradition style from Nanna Mexico.

All  vans have covid secure contactless payment options and try to pre-order using the links.….Enjoy!

NHW – Tackle Car Crime With New Campaign

Due to Covid-19 and repeated lockdowns, people haven’t been using their cars as much as they used to. However, car crime remains a pressing problem in the UK – alarmingly, one car is stolen every ten minutes(1). The latest figures from the Police National Computer (3) indicate car crime decreased during Covid-19 restrictions but with the expectation of social restrictions soon easing we could see a surge in car crime. Neighbourhood Watch are launching a new campaign on the 31st March to encourage everyone to keep their car’s safety top of mind.
Read more

Food Vans in the Village Hall Car Park

Food loving villagers – This week we have arranged again a number of food vans providing delicious food in the village hall car park on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 17:00-20:00.
Different cuisines will be catered for from different companies. This Thursday 25/3 will be authentic Greek Gyros from The Cook’s Nest, on Friday 26/3 will be pizza from La Biga (every Friday) and on Saturday 27/3 will be authentic Paella from La Laventina 

All  vans have covid secure contactless payment options and try to pre-order using the links.….Enjoy!

Fibre Broadband

Good news – We have met the minimum threshold to move into the next stages of the project, which is the Project Review. This stage, which on average takes approx. 4 weeks, takes various things into consideration such as reviewing build costs, looking at existing infrastructure and traffic management. Once all this is complete, this will be presented to Aviva to release the funds and the next stage of build works can commence.
County Broadband are leaving the offer of free standard connection open for residents that still wish to place pre-orders until connection has gone live. Thanks to all those that have supported the project and getting us this far.

Food Vans in the Village Hall Car Park

Ravenous villagers – This week we have arranged again a number of food vans providing delicious food in the village hall car park on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 17:00-20:00.
Different cuisines will be catered for from different companies. This Thursday 18/3 will be South-African Caribbean from Kerief Catering , on Friday 19/3 will be pizza from La Biga (every Friday) and on Saturday 20/3 will be “dirty” burgers and fries from Apple & Jalapeno 

All  vans have covid secure contactless payment options and try to pre-order using the links.….Enjoy!

Get Involved in the Cambridge Approaches East West Rail Campaign

The next East West Rail consultation on route alignments in our area has been imminent since the start of January 2021. We are currently told that it will be out before Easter. Now is a good time to step up the campaign for a fair consultation on the northern approach to Cambridge as well as the southern approach.

The EWR action group in The Eversdens is opening up to invite like-minded people from Haslingfield and Harlton to attend (but also any local village). It’s a Zoom meeting on Thursdays at 8pm on this link. All welcome. This group is well connected with other parts of the CA campaign. Through this group you can get involved with various more specialist teams working on the project.

William Harrold, Cambridge Approaches.