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Roadmap for Lifting Lockdown

A “roadmap” for easing Covid restrictions in England has been announced by the prime minister.

After the first stage in March, further lifting of the rules will happen if certain conditions are met – such as the vaccine rollout going to plan. The aim is for all restrictions to be lifted, which will happen by 21 June at the earliest.
More detail can be found at

Picking up after dogs

The Parish Council have become aware that with the increased dog ownership during lockdown our pavements and public/dog walking areas are regularly being fouled and irresponsible owners are not picking up after their dogs.

PLEASE can you consider others and show responsible behaviour when out walking your dogs so we can all enjoy our lovely village. Thank you

Advance notice of road closure

An  advance  notice from Streetworks at the  County Council  has  informed  us  that  New  Road  will  be  closed  to  vehicles from  Wednesday 9th  to  Friday  11th December 2020 to  carry out work  on a  new  water connection.  A  diversion notice via High  Street  and  Church  Street will be  placed at each end  of the  road.