Author Archive

Pilates Classes at the Methodist Church

Pilates for All – Movement for Life classes are held in Haslingfield Methodist Church on Thursday evenings from 6.15pm until 9.30pm. There are two classes, primarily for ladies, and a men only class. Classes are progressive so you are required to sign up for a minimum of a six-week block. Private 1-to-1 sessions can also be taken in your own home or at Pilates teacher Lindsay’s home. 
Contact Lindsay / 07711 764930 / 01223 874656 / Read more

Haslingfield & Harlton Luncheon Club

Luncheon Club is more than just having a meal; it’s a social occasion as well as a nutritional one! Please don’t think you have to be unable to provide your own meal to come along. The Club is a wonderful opportunity for anyone of any age to meet up each month with long-standing friends and also to make new friends while enjoying a home-made 2 course meal – all for £5.00!!

Here are examples of our Menus: Read more

CamSight House-to-House Collection 2019

Thank you to everyone who supported the CamSight collection in June.  £1,868.35 was collected in Haslingfield and Harlton. In addition, a further £268.50 will be added as the result of kind people Gift Aiding their donation. We are very grateful for your generosity in helping this small local charity that helps and supports people of all ages who have a visual impairment. Read more

Be part of Haslingfield Little Theatre’s Next Show!

Our next show is the panto: Sleeping Beauty by Ben Crocker, which we are performing on 21, 22 and 23 November at Haslingfield Village Hall.

If you are interested in being part of this show – on-stage or back stage, do come along to the read-through of the script next Thursday 18 July at 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall and auditions on Thursday 25 July – same time & place. No experience necessary – just lots of enthusiasm! For more info: Read more

6 July: Haslingfield School Summer Fayre:

The PTFA would like to invite you to the Haslingfield Primary School Summer Fayre on 6 July from 2.00 pm.  We hope this Fayre will be the most fun and environmentally friendly yet, with the help of the kids of course! There will be Pimm’s and Cream Teas for the adults.

Hope you can come! 

Haslingfield Little Theatre Best Play Award

Haslingfield Little Theatre are delighted to announce that they have just won the NODA Best Play Award for RolePlay, their May 2018 production. They were up against around 60 other drama groups in the region (NODA East – District Four South), so are very proud of this achievement.

The news has come just as they are preparing for this year’s May production, Stepping Out – The Musical, which is on from Thursday to Saturday this week (16, 17, 18 May) at 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall. Tickets at:

Read more

TICKETS ON SALE: Stepping Out – The Musical

Haslingfield Little Theatre’s latest production is Stepping Out – The Musical by Denis King, Richard Harris and Mary Stewart-David, on 16, 17, 18 May at 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall. This heart-warming, toe-tapping musical follows the story of the lives, loves and laughs of nine women (and one man) attending a weekly tap class in a dingy church hall.

Tickets £12 (£10 concessions, Thursday & Friday) at:, the Village Shop and Country Kitchen.



Curry & Cabaret will be taking place this Saturday, 30 March at 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall.

If you haven’t bought your tickets yet, there are still some available at £18 each/2 for £30 until tomorrow, Wednesday, 27 March from the Village Shop or from Hayley on: 07454 984456.

Cambridge Foodbank: March Update

Did you know you can help local people in crisis by donating to the Cambridge Foodbank? You can leave food at Haslingfield Village Shop or Haslingfield Methodist Church. Please click here for a list of the foods most needed at present and here should you prefer to give a monetary donation.

Many thanks

Little Owls Plant Sale

Your Little Owls Plant Sale Form will be delivered shortly. (Please click here for a copy of the form). An annual Little Owls’ Preschool fundraiser, we offer high quality and excellent value bedding plants for sale … delivered right to your door!

We are grateful to Esson Print who have printed our forms for us again.