
oasisOasis Holiday at Home for Seniors will once again be held in the Methodist Church, from Tuesday 26 July to Thursday 28 July, between 9.45 am & 2.30 pm.  We are offering a mixture of craft activities, quizzes, music and games, all in a relaxed holiday setting, ending with lunch each day.  Details and application forms can be found in the village churches, or from David Lewis, 874029, david@hmlewis.freeserve.co.uk

Video of Lord’s Bridge Telescopes

A time lapse video of the Radio Telescopes at the Lord’s Bridge site of the Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory, showing them move, taken by Haslingfield resident, Doug Thompson. The Ryle Radio Telescopes have been Updated from the 5 Kilometer array to the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager in its present configuration.


A public consultation on proposed Cambridgeshire and Peterborough devolution

SCDCA public consultation has been launched to gather views on a proposed Cambridgeshire and Peterborough devolution deal. The formal consultation follows all the Councils in the area agreeing to sign up to launching a consultation. The Cambridgeshire and Peterborough deal follows initial proposals by Government for a deal covering the whole of East Anglia.
Details of the consultation can be found here www.scambs.gov.uk/devolution or www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/devolutionsurvey

Watch Euros Final at the Pub

If you fancy watching the game on Sunday night 8pm Kick Off for Portugal v France in the final of the Euros. Special deal of £3.00 a pint plus free sausage & chips at Half time at the Little Rose Pub.

Caribbean Night Saturday 16th July

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

The Little Rose Pub is hosting a special and Caribbean Night including a special Bar-B-Q with themed food on Saturday 16th July. Entry is free and there’ll also be special Caribbean Music and a prize of a bottle of Vodka for the person who turns up in the best Caribbean outfit. The evening starts at 8pm.

The Winning Scarecrows

The results from the online voting for the favourite scarecrow were:
1st     ‘Mike from Monsters Inc’ – Badcock Road,
2nd    ‘The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me’ – High Street,
3rd     ‘Henry VIII & His Wives’ – New Road.
P1090318P1090312P1090264 Read more

Flying Legends

Ahead of the Flying Legends Air Show on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 July, IWM Duxford has released some important safety information that it wishes to share with local residents:

• IWM Duxford takes great care to ensure that its air shows are as safe as possible for everyone involved.
• It is not safe to occupy the fields immediately south of the runway during the air show. If you do so you are putting yourself and the display pilots in harm’s way.
• In support of this, Grange Road will be closed on 9 and 10 July 2016.
• In the event of an incident it is imperative that the emergency services have clear, unhindered access to the tracks across this land.
• There is no public access to these fields at any time.
• Tickets must be bought in advance, no on the day sales are available.

IWMEsther Blaine – Public Relations Manager – IWM Duxford – Cambridgeshire CB22 4QR

First Aid Course for Parents/Carers

I am considering organising a First Aid course aimed at those who care for children in Haslingfield, this could include parents, grandparents and babysitters. It would be a one off 2 hour course covering the basics. It would cost £12.50 per person and take place sometime in the Autumn term, more than one could be arranged if there were sufficient interest. The course would be run by Tim Killick from Cambridge Medical Training. If you think that you might be interested then please complete the poll at: www.starsclub.live Read more

Bake House Opening

10.00 – 12.00 on Saturday 9th July on the Well House Meadow

Come and see something of how Haslingfolk lived a hundred years agoIMG_1555 and browse the Village Archive of old photos and documents.