Flying Legends

Ahead of the Flying Legends Air Show on Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 July, IWM Duxford has released some important safety information that it wishes to share with local residents:

• IWM Duxford takes great care to ensure that its air shows are as safe as possible for everyone involved.
• It is not safe to occupy the fields immediately south of the runway during the air show. If you do so you are putting yourself and the display pilots in harm’s way.
• In support of this, Grange Road will be closed on 9 and 10 July 2016.
• In the event of an incident it is imperative that the emergency services have clear, unhindered access to the tracks across this land.
• There is no public access to these fields at any time.
• Tickets must be bought in advance, no on the day sales are available.

IWMEsther Blaine – Public Relations Manager – IWM Duxford – Cambridgeshire CB22 4QR

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