Christmas Wreath Workshop – Haslingfield PTFA – Friday 2nd December, 7pm

christmaswreath-workshop-1Haslingfield PTFA warmly invites you to a Christmas Wreath Workshop, being run by the Cambridge Flower Company, on Friday 2nd December,7pm – 9.30pm at school. Cost is £55 which includes all materials, drinks and dessert. To register your place please email (places are limited). For full details, please see the flyer below. Many thanks, Haslingfield PTFA Read more

Charity Fair Saturday 19th November 11.00am – 2.30pm Haslingfield Methodist Church

Autumn is now with us and the shops are full of Christmas goods.  Instead of getting caught up in all the hustle and bustle in Cambridge, come to our local Charity Fair where you will be able to buy your Christmas cards and gifts in a warm, friendly atmosphere while enjoying home-made refreshments. 15 different charities will be there and Father Christmas has agreed to spend the day with us  and would like to meet all the children. Remember the true meaning of Christmas and help those less fortunate than us!

‘Flu Vaccination Clinic – Harston Surgery

The‘Flu vaccination clinic for Harston surgery patients on will be held in the Methodist Church on Thurs 20th October 2016 from 2.15 – 3.00pm. Forms are available at the Village Shop. Please sign up before 17th October.

“Cash for CamSight”

100-camsight-logo-rgbWe are very grateful to the people who have been keeping their loose change for CamSight.  This has recently amounted to £49.81. If you have a jar of small change, perhaps you might like to give it to CamSight at any time during the year and these donations could be added to the amounts raised. Read more

CamSight House-to-House Collection

100-camsight-logo-rgbThank you to everyone who supported the collection in June.  £369.54 was collected in Harlton and £1,221 in Haslingfield, making a grand total of £1,591.43. In addition, a further £200 will be added as the result of kind people Gift Aiding their donation – this is an increase of £100! A special “Thank You” to our brilliant collectors. Read more

Allotment Meeting

Vegetable GardenThe Haslingfield Allotment Gardeners Association (HAGA) is having their quarterly meeting on Monday 26th September 2016 in the Little Rose at 19:30. They have some vacant plots so if you have “green fingers” and want to grow your own produce or just want to know more then please come along.
Ron van der Hoorn – Treasurer

THIS SATURDAY 24 SEPTEMBER: Haslingfield Ceilidh: 8.30-10.30pm

Little Owls Preschool LogoIf you do not already have your tickets for Saturday’s Ceilidh at All Saints’ Church, you will be able to buy them on the door. Don’t miss out on a great evening’s candle-lit entertainment! The Cambridge University Ceilidh Band will be performing a lively set, and Bob, our caller for the evening will be encouraging everyone to get on their feet and join in the group dances. Read more

Film Club 23 Sept.

movie-cameraThe new Film Club Season will begin on Friday 23rd September 2016 at 7.30pm and will show a film with 4 Academy Awards based on a true story with an Olympics theme…..
We shall meet in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 118 min. Certificate: Universal.  We will break for refreshments half way through. Read more

Starting tomorrow, 20 September – New Fitness Class: “Mummy Tummy”

Whflo-fitere? Haslingfield Recreational Ground
When? Tuesday Mornings at 10am
Cost? £5 on the day or £4 per class when booking a block of 6 or more
This class is designed for mums looking to tone their tummies, gain core strength and stability and improve flexibility and posture. This is an outdoor class that will run whatever the weather (apart from during torrential storms!) Babies in pushchairs welcome! More info can be found at

Joint Harvest Festival Service and Lunch, 25th Sept.

harvestAll are warmly welcome to join our Village Joint Harvest Festival at All Saints’ Church together with Haslingfield Methodist Church.  

Please note the 10:30 start and the service will be followed by a Bring and Share Lunch at All Saints’.  In organising lunch All Saints’ are bringing savoury dishes and Methodists are bringing the sweets – there is a list on the table just inside the church to check what others are bringing.

The Haslingfield Ceilidh, at All Saints’ Church – 24 September

Little Owls Preschool LogoA fabulous and fun evening for the whole village is planned!  We have the highly regarded Cambridge University Ceilidh Band and are thrilled to have our local caller, Bob Ridout, joining us.  It will be in our beautiful All Saint’s Church on the 24th September from 8.30 – 10.30.  There will be a licensed bar and we are lining up some great items for the silent auction, including a “Month of Cake” and a bottle of English whiskey and a tour of the distillery! Tickets £10 each from Country Kitchen. Proceeds to Little Owls Preschool.

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New Florist in Haslingfield

flower-shop-1Opening 20th September 

It is with great excitement that we are really pleased to announce that we will shortly be opening the doors to our new florist shop in Church Street, Haslingfield.

Do come and visit us, we would love to meet you.  We are stocking seasonal, British and some more unusual varieties of flowers (for the more adventurous).  Whatever the occasion your flowers will be beautifully wrapped and delivered.   If you just need a token gift our hessian & paper wraps will be available every day for you to pick up.

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