Be part of Haslingfield Little Theatre’s New Production!

Haslingfield Little Theatre’s next production will be two hilarious one-act comedies: Black Comedy by Peter Shaffer, and Bride before a Fall by Robert Scott. We will be holding a read-through of the script on 2nd February, followed by auditions on 9th February – at Haslingfield Village Hall at 7.30 pm. Performances will take place on 18th, 19th and 20th May (tickets available in March).

If you are interested in being part of this exciting production – on-stage or back-stage – why not come along! For more details, please click here.


Hare and Hounds – Pop Up Pub

For all Haslingfield residents who are interested in the Hare and Hounds Community Pub proposal, the steering committee is organising a “POP UP PUB” event. They would love you to join them on:

Friday 20th January in the Harlton Village Hall. Doors open at 6.00 pm until 11.00 pm.

You will be able to purchase beer, wine, spirits and soft drinks including a real treat with a barrel of Golden Shower (4.1%) from local brewery Son of Sid Brewery in Little Gransden. Food at the pop-up pub this Friday is from local restaurant La Pergola and is lasagne, gnocchi and salad. Hear the latest progress on the bid to buy the Hare and Hounds pub. Let’s all join in and make this a fabulous evening!


In 2017 what was wet, warm, conversational, cold, friendly and filling? Answer: the Annual Haslingfield New Year’s Day walk led by Mike and Sally Coles.  The forecast on for the day was for heavy rain starting at 11:30; this coincided exactly with about 58 walkers plus dogs and pushchair setting forth.  Not to be beaten by the weather almost all finished.  A few of us (blush) took the shortcut back.  At the end, people lined the length of The Village Hall to enjoy each others company and the soup and sandwiches made by the committee of the Haslingfield Village Society who organise this event. We thank our usual shepherds of the rear, Clive and Sara Blower. Due to the wonderful donations, £212 was raised for ACT, Addenbrooks Charitable Trust.  Happy New Year indeed!

Next Village Society Talk

Tuesday, 17th January 2017, 8:00pm, Haslingfield Village Hall.

The Importance of Adventure: James van der Hoorn will speak on the Marathon des Sables, a self-sufficient ultra marathon through the Sahara desert, which is commonly referred to as the toughest footrace on earth, including training, preparation and the week of the race. James stresses the importance of the journey and not just the end goal. The talk includes how to prepare for an adventure, and some of the challenges and setbacks he has experienced.    Everyone is always very welcome.  Fee £2.50 for visitors.  Free for members and under 16’s.

Community Bid to Buy the Hare and Hounds update

As you may be aware, the Hare and Hounds in our neighbouring village of Harlton closed at the end of October. There is a community effort underway to buy and reopen it. To find out more, please log on to
They are almost there but need to raise a little bit more so if you are interested in buying shares in the pub then please pledge by contacting John Watson. Details on how to do this are here: H&H January letter-signed pdf.

Darts Tournament this Friday 13th January

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

This Friday 13th January sees another in the highly popular Darts Tournaments. First arrow is thrown at 8pm and all takes place in the Little Rose Pub, the village’s last remaining pub. Cost of entry is only £3 per player and just turn up on the night. Any ability is welcome and a range of prizes is up for grabs, including a very impressive trophy for the overall winner. More details from the pub: 01223-870618

Film Club

The January Film Club meeting  will be on Friday 13th January 2017 at 7.30pm.  We shall meet in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 105 min. Certificate: 12+.  We will break for tea, coffee and biscuits, half way through.  Read more

Connections Bus

The Connections Bus Project is a mobile youth facility on a converted double decker bus that visits Haslingfield on a weekly basis. The bus is open and free to anyone in School Year 7 and above. Facilities include games consoles, internet access, music, crafts, sports equipment, tuck shop and much more.  The bus parks at Haslingfield recreation Ground car park from 16:00 to 18:00 every term-time Wednesday.  More details are here: Connections Bus 2017

News from Cambridgeshire Police

What to do about securing your home: Burglaries are happening regularly across villages in South Cambridgeshire, usually in the day when properties appear to be empty, with cash and jewellery being the common things stolen. Have you considered how secure your property is? If not, you may be interested to know that there is an online quiz designed to confirm how safe your property is. The “bad-wolf test” takes just two minutes to complete and tells you how safe your home is from burglars. You get a score of bricks, twigs or straw. Try the quiz yourself to see how safe your home is:

The Bobby Scheme: The Cambridgeshire Bobby Scheme is a local charity which provides a service to older or vulnerable people by improving home security to reduce crime and the fear of crime. The Bobby Scheme works with a number of partner agencies, including the Police, Fire Service, Local Authorities, Age UK and other charities. Press Read More below for more information.

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Curry Night: Friday 13th January, Haslingfield Village Hall, 7.30pm

Join us for a fabulous evening of delicious hearty food and live music. Inder’s Kitchen will provide a sumptuous Indian buffet of curry dishes and dips and our very own Tiffany Britton & John Lovegrove will be performing an eclectic set of favourite tunes. An evening of entertainment not to be missed! Tickets £18 each or £30 for 2 available from Haslingfield Village Shop or from Hayley Bentley, in support of Little Owls Preschool.