New Parish Councillors

The Haslingfield Parish Council likes to welcome Ian Johnson and Darren Crowe as new parish councillors. No doubt their input and contributions will be greatly appreciated by all villagers. We also regret that Julie Coxall has resigned from the council for family reasons. Details of all the councillors can be found here.

If you believe you have the time and skills to help the council, you can volunteer to become a councillor. More details are available from Jenny Jullien (Chair)  or Frances Laville (Parish Clerk).

Damage caused in attempt to steal lead from the roof of All Saints’ Church

Committed between 01:30- 02:30hrs 08/10/2017. Offender(s) have caused damage to the roof of the Church attempting to steal lead. CF0578101017 refers.

If you have any information relating to the crime reported, please contact the police on 101. Or if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111.             PCSO 7156 Samuel Kennedy, South Cambs Division


The annual Church Fete was held this year on Saturday 16th of September and was a great success in spite of the showers and at times, stormy weather. The heavens really did open during the afternoon; gazebos flapped furiously in the wind and the jousting platform became even more perilous with the added challenge of the rain-soaked beam and sodden dueling batons (actually sacks filled with something squidgy). 

Read more


The next Film Club meeting will be held on Friday 13th October 2017 at 7.30pm.We shall meet in Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 107 min. Certificate: 12+.  We break for tea, coffee and biscuits, half way through.  ‘Hard of hearing’ subtitles will be used.  Read more

THIS SATURDAY – “Live” Big Band Jazz in Haslingfield – in aid of Parkinson UK

We are delighted to welcome back the Blues Skies Big Band to Haslingfield Village Hall this Saturday 7 October – 7.30 pm for 8.00 pm start. Tickets at £10 each on sale at: at Haslingfield Village Shop & Country Kitchen and from Caroline on: 01223 870049. For further information  Read more

Haslingfield Artist and author, Ophelia Redpath at a Charity Literary Lunch

Home-Start Royston & South Cambridgeshire will be hosting a Literary Lunch on Tuesday, 17th October. Local entertainer and Home-Start’s ‘Poet in Residence’ Jude Simpson will be hosting a chat with Ophelia Redpath, Haslingfield artist and author of ‘The Lemur’s Tale’.

The event will be held at The Old Bull Inn, Royston. Tickets are £15 to include a buffet lunch. Please arrive for 12.15pm for lunch and then sit back, relax and enjoy the chat from 1pm – 2.15pm – with time for questions. 

To buy tickets, please click or call the Home-Start office on 01763 262262, email To find out more about Home-Start Read more

History of Haslingfield Village Hall (part II)

(cont…) The opening day for the new recreation ground was arranged for April 13th, 1925. To commemorate the event, a monument to the patron, Mr. Badcock, was unveiled which can still be seen to the right of the entrance of the village hall.

A wooden pavilion was soon purchased and erected with money from the Badcock Trust. In due course a kitchen and billiard room were added, and many social functions were held to raise money for its upkeep.

After World War II the recreation ground was levelled, a cricket pitch laid, two tennis courts built and a children’s playground with swings et cetera were provided, mainly by volunteer labourers and contributions from the villagers. A series of gymkhanas and other events were held to finance this.

The building remained in use until 1974. (tbc)


Traffic Calming Phase 3

Three meetings have been arranged, for anyone who is interested, to see the plans of the third phase of the traffic calming scheme and ask any questions, on the following days: 

Friday 6th October at 2.30 pm and 7.30 pm in the Village Hall
Saturday 7th October at 2.30 pm in the Methodist Church

By now everyone in the village who is on the electoral register should have received an explanation of Phase 3 together with a ballot paper and a map. If you haven’t please do contact Jenny Julien on 872 848, Mobile – 07450 910 015 or and she will get a copy to you. All completed ballot papers must be returned by 31st October 2017.

Weekly Workout

As some of you may know, today’s workout session will be the last. Due to some changes in his work and his personal life it had become harder for Dan to commit to every Wednesday. The session today will run as normal and finish at 7pm. Then, if anyone is free, you are invited to a drink in the Little Rose. They will be walking there from the hall.