Criminal damage – Porkers Lane

01/02/2018- 13/02/2018 Porkers Lane, Haslingfield CF0084750218 Criminal damage. Offender(s) have damaged a communal structure.

 If you have any information relating to the crime reported, please contact the police on 101. Or if you wish to remain anonymous please call crime stoppers on 0800 555 111.  PCSO 7156 Samuel Kennedy


Next Village Society Talk – “Mercy Ships”

Presented by Jill Pearce

Ships that bring hope to the despairing, healing to the damaged, and health to the ill are to be rejoiced in.  We offer hope, health and healing to the world’s poor.  Currently our hospital ship – “Africa Mercy” – is docked at Cameroon.  Her mission there  for 10 months is to carry out operations that could not otherwise be afforded by the people; on board they pay nothing.  The teams of nurses, doctors, surgeons and other crew members from all over the world donate their time on the world’s largest non-governmental floating hospital, for free.

Haslingfield Village Hall, Tuesday 20th February 2018 at 8.00pm. Everyone is very welcome. Members and youngsters are free, Visitors £2.  Enjoy a ‘cuppa’ and a chat in the interval.


Next Pop-Up Coffee Shop – Tuesday 13 Feb

The next Pop-Up Coffee Shop at the Methodist Church is on Tuesday 13th February 8:45 – 11:30am and we are raising funds for the 1st Haslingfield Brownies. Come along for fairtrade tea, coffee, cakes and pastries. This is during half-term so we will be joined by the Brownies themselves, some of whom will be working towards a badge – please come and support our girls!

Film Screening

‘Wetheuncivilised: A Life Story’

Friday, February 16, 2018, 7:00 PM 10:00 PM, Haslingfield Methodist Church

As part of the city-wide Films for Our Future Festival, Pivotal, an arts organisation for sustainability, is screening this beautiful documentary about a young couple on a quest throughout Britain for a more satisfying and sustainable way of living. Discouraged by their urban lifestyles, Lily and Pete set out to discover other ways of living in the modern world. Their journey didn’t provide them with easy answers, but it did inspire them and introduce them to some of the new ways of thinking that may just change the way we all live and help to protect the planet. Read more

Film Club Meeting

The next Film Club meeting will be held on Friday 9th February 2018 at 7.30pm and will show a film based on a true story: running time 114 min. Certificate: PG. We shall meet in Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.    We break for tea, coffee and biscuits, half way through.  ‘Hard of hearing’ subtitles will be used. Read more

History of Haslingfield Village Hall (part IV)

However a small group of determined people got together in the late eighties and managed to persuade the villagers, that a new purpose built hall would be a good idea and Peter Hall Architects of Cambridge were asked to prepare some initial plans based on all the user groups requirements.

These requirements included a kitchen, changing facilities and showers including a room for the referee, a view over the recreation ground, toilets including a disabled toilet, a hall large enough to seat at least 100 people, space for a temporary stage with a height of at least 4m and preferable not too expensive.
I believe that the architect did an excellent job in designing the hall. (tbc)

Burglary Crime Prevention and what to look out for

By taking simple preventative measures you can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of burglary:-
ALARMS: One of the most effective deterrents is to install a burglar alarm. Ensure it is set every time you leave the house. 
SECURE ENTRY POINTS: Don’t leave any windows or doors unlocked or ajar as these can be easy access points for a burglar.
IF YOU ARE GOING AWAY: make your home look lived in, ask your neighbours to keep an eye out and install timer lights. You are at much less risk of being the next victim if burglars think you are at home. 

Read more

Haslingfield Little Theatre – Alan Ayckbourn & Oliver!

Our next production will be RolePlay, a hilarious comedy by Alan Ayckbourn, which we are performing on 17-19 May. If you’d like to be involved, you’ll find more information about on-stage & back-stage roles and the Read-Through and Audition Dates at:

And, we hope you’ll enjoy looking at photos from our last production, Oliver! at: