June Concerts in All Saints’ Church, Haslingfield

On Saturday 9 June at 7.30 pm
LUKE FITZGERALD, organ scholar from Gonville & Caius College, Cambridge will give an organ concert.   Luke was formerly an Organ Scholar at Harlton Church and we look forward to welcoming him to Haslingfield.  Tickets on the door £10.

On Saturday 30 June at 7.30 pm
the NEW CAMBRIDGE SINGERS present a concert entitled ‘O How Glorious’ – a celebration of England’s remarkable tradition of choral music including the world premiere of Hilary Burgoyne’s Fantasia on an Anthem by Tallis, featuring an audience chorus.   Those interested should contact audiencechoruscambridge@newcambridgesingers.org.uk.   Tickets £10 available nearer the time.

Enquiries for both concerts 01223 872190.

Vacancy: Pre-School Manager – Little Owls

A wonderful opportunity to manage an established village preschool. Please see the job advertisement here and feel welcome to contact us with any questions.

We feel sad to accept the resignation of our current manager, but are confident that we will recruit a manager to lead our team and continue the gentle, calm and high quality approach that we are proud of.

TONIGHT: Tickets on Door – Ayckbourn in Haslingfield

Haslingfield Little Theatre’s production of the wonderful comedy, RolePlay is on tonight (Thursday) at Haslingfield Village Hall. There will be some tickets available at the door for this performance: £10/£7 concessions (under 16s/over 65s). Doors open at 7.00 pm, and curtain up is at 7.45 pm.  Also available at: www.haslingfieldlittletheatre.co.uk until 6.00 pm. 

NB Friday performance is sold out, and only 19 tickets left for Saturday (at the time of writing).

Film Club

REMINDER:  At tonight’s Film Club  (Friday 11th May 2018)  at 7.30pm we shall meet in Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 112 min. Certificate: 12+.  We break for tea, coffee and biscuits half way through.  ‘Hard of hearing’ subtitles will be used. 

To avoid having a fixed charge for the evening we have opted (for copyright reasons) not to advertise details of the films on notice boards, the web site or in the Church and Village Magazine.   As an alternative we ask for a voluntary donation of from £3 each to cover cost of refreshments and use of the premises.   Please invite friends and let me know if there are others who would like to be included on the email list. 

Best wishes


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LATEST TICKET NEWS & PHOTOS: Next Week’s Haslingfield Little Theatre Production

Tickets still available here for Thurs 17th & Sat 19th May performances of RolePlay by Alan Ayckbourn – 7.45 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall. NB 18th May is sold out online, with just a very few available in the Haslingfield shops (as at 10 May). Meanwhile, here are some great b & w production shots from this Monday’s rehearsal. Read more

Haslingfield: Burglary Harston Road and Break-in New Road

08/05/2018 between 22:49 – 22:57 Harston Road, Haslingfield A crowbar was used to force entry through a warehouse door and a large quantity of lead was stolen from within.

01/04/2018 – 10/05/2018 New road, Haslingfield. The door of a house was jemmied open and an untidy search carried out.

If you have any information which may assist with the investigation into these crimes then please call 101, or call crime stoppers anonymously 0800 555 111.

Message Sent By Joe Haylock (Police, PCSO, South Cambs – Histon)

Eversdens Players

While not in Haslingfield ,some villagers may be interested in the performance of the Eversdens Players in their village hall on 17, 18 & 19 May.

More details when you click the poster.

Shepreth Level Crossing News

Please click here to find out more about Shepreth Level Crossing temporary closure and trains.

Hope this will be helpful to Haslingfield residents who pass by Shepreth and those hoping to use the train between Cambridge and Letchworth on Sunday 6 & Sunday 13 May.

CCC Library Van

The Thursday 3rd May 2018 visit was postponed because of staff sickness. 

The Library Van visit to Haslingfield will now be on Wednesday 9th May 2018 at the usual time.

Alan Ayckbourn in Haslingfield – Countdown started!


In under two weeks’ time, Haslingfield Little Theatre will be putting on the hilarious, yet poignant comedy – RolePlay by Alan Ayckbourn.

Click here to buy your tickets at £10/£7 concessions (Thurs & Fri only) for 17, 18 or 19 May, 7.45 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall. Also on sale at Haslingfield Village Shop or Country Kitchen. Reviews: Read more