Film Club

The Next Film Club meeting will be held on Friday 7th December 2018 at 7.30pm.  We shall meet in Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 118 min. Certificate: 12.  We break for tea, coffee and MINCE PIES half way through.  ‘Hard of hearing’ subtitles will be used.   

A selected Imdb review:

This movie is all Class, the story-line is a sincere work of art.  The best movie for a long while.

Read more

Haslingfield Allotment and Gardeners Association

The Haslingfield Allotment Gardeners Association (HAGA) is having their annual general meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 5th December in the the Village Hall at 19:30.

They have some vacant plots so if you have some spare time and want either a plot or get involved then just come along or contact Julie Seeking on 01223 871287 or email

Charity Fair

A great opportunity for you to do some of your Christmas shopping, and have your lunch, in a relaxed atmosphere.
This year we have 15 different charities with a variety of different items, so there should be something for everyone. It’s also an opportunity to remember those who are struggling this year, by bringing along an item for the Cambridge Foodbank.
Lots of people have been crocheting and knitting poppies in remembrance of those who died in the Great War and there will be a quiet area where they will be displayed.
We hope to see you there.

Next Village Society Talk

My Life Behind Bars”

The Queen’s Head in Newton is one of only a handful of pubs to have appeared in every edition of the Good Beer Guide. The list of landlords since 1729 has just 18 entries with the names displayed on the wall in the simply furnished but timeless public bar. David Short, a man of many talents and an interesting speaker, will be talking about his experiences of running his pub, The Queen’s Head, for over 53 years. He will also present a short history of the development of the beer trade in England from before Roman times.  Tuesday 13th November 2018, 8.00pm, Haslingfield Village Hall.
Cheers! Everyone welcome, hope to see you there.

2018 Festival Scarecrows

Many thanks to the team who organised this year’s Festival which, combined with the Parish Church Fete, was a great success.  As always the high-light was the scarecrow trail, which turned up some amazing creativity among Haslingfolk.  To see lots of photos, including the the prize winners, follow this link and see the gallery.