Toddlers enjoy new playground equipment

Earlier in the year the Parish Council received a kind and generous bequest from the estate of Mrs Rita Philippson, a resident of Haslingfield for many years. Her wish was to spend it on something that would benefit the parishioners. Following a poll at the May Parish Council AGM the vote was in favour of providing playground equipment and specifically something for the toddler age group. From speaking with parents and users it was identified this age group had a lack of age appropriate equipment to use without full adult supervision. The new pieces consisting of three climbing boulders and two balance beams were installed in the Playground in early October giving toddlers simple and safe pieces to play on which in turn help them learn to climb and balance on their own.


Police are urging trick-or-treaters to respect their neighbours. While many are happy to hand over sweets or other presents to ward off the evil spirits, it’s important to remember not everybody wants strangers knocking on their doors. For vulnerable or older residents Halloween can be a frightening and intimidating experience. Police have a downloadable poster you can display in your home asking trick-or-treaters NOT to call, as well as some tips for the trick-or-treaters to ensure everyone has a pleasant evening. To download copy of poster and see the tips visit Copies also available for collection at police stations.


The next Film Club will be on Friday 1st November at 7.30pm.   (This is not on the second Friday of the month because of the Jazz Night at the Village Hall on the 8th November)

We shall meet in Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free and we break for tea, coffee and biscuits half way through.   Running time of the film is 114min; Certificate: 15 (Strong language); ‘Hard of hearing’ subtitles will be used.

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The Big Conversation about how we shape our NHS

“Get involved in the Big Conversation about how we shape our NHS
Local residents are being encouraged to have their say on the future of local NHS services as part of The Big Conversation.
Funding for healthcare across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough is under pressure. More people are using NHS services locally, and resources are limited. At the moment, the local NHS is buying more than it can afford which means that some difficult decisions need to be made about the services it can afford to provide in the future. Read more


Tickets for the Haslingfield Little Theatre Panto, Sleeping Beauty by Ben Crocker will be on sale tomorrow morning, Saturday 19 October. Performance dates are 21, 22, 23 November at 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall, plus matinee performance at 2.30 pm on 23 November.

You’ll be able to buy them tomorrow at: and they will also be available from The Village Shop and Country Kitchen.

Suspicious activity in the village

On Wed 16th Oct at approx 2:30pm a man knocked on a door in Cantelupe Road, when the resident opened the door the man said he was a builder working for BK Builders doing work in another part of the village. When pressed to explain why he was knocking on the residents door, the man said he was warning the resident there will be noisy vehicles moving up and down the road. The man’s explanation did not make any sense and he was told to leave. The police have been informed. If you have any information to add, please contact the police on 101 and quote Incident No: 279

Teresa Harrold Village NHW Co-ordinator

Scam calls to elderly residents in Haslingfield

Beware scam calls by a bogus company calling themselves Crime Awareness UK, they offer to make a visit to your home to do security checks and install alarms. Part of the scam is they offer you a crime reference number and pressure you to allow them to visit your home. Cold callers like this are invariably up to no good. Do not give out any personal information about your home or yourself, and do not arrange a visit. Stop the call and report it to Action Fraud immediately on 0300 123 2040.

Teresa Harrold Village NHW Co-ordinator