Cambridge City Foodbank: A Different Way to Help

It is extremely important to remember everyone who uses the Foodbank. In 2019, 9,243 three-day emergency food supplies were given to people in crises, and the need continues. We have seen so many pictures of people stockpiling, but for others it is a case of hoping to be able to feed their families. The Foodbank is always grateful for your support, but maybe you could think of doing it in a different way – by donating money! This way, urgently needed goods can be bought.

There are 2 ways of helping: Donate with Virgin Money Giving (the charity’s preferred option) where 100% of your donation goes to the charity. To donate, please click here. OR set up a standing order here. Both of these options can be cancelled at any time. Read more

NEW Message from Pop at the Village Shop

Update on deliveries: We have the system in place now so anyone who needs delivery can create an account with us by paying in advance i.e. £100 (cash). Then whatever your total shopping bill will be deducted from your account. (Best way to keep everyone safe). All the receipts will be provided with each delivery so you can keep record as well. If this doesn’t suit you and you have a better idea we can discuss that. Read more

Message from Pop at the Village Shop

Just to inform everyone that if you are isolated in Haslingfield, Barrington or Harlton please call us and we will do free delivery to your door. And we will bring your medications as well which is delivered to our shop. Stay safe, keep safe and help elderly. Thank you. Haslingfield and Barrington shops.

NEW DATE for Pub Quiz

March’s Pub Quiz at the Little Rose will take place on Saturday 7th and not Friday 13th March. The Little Rose Pub Quiz usually takes place on the second Friday of every month. Teams of any number, up to a maximum of six, can take part. Cost of entry is only £10 per team with all the entry fees given out as cash prizes. First Question asked at 8pm. Just turn up on the night or book in advance. We can also make up teams from whoever turns up on the night. It’s great fun with a good number of all local teams taking part. There’s 6 rounds covering many topics including a topical quiz round as well as a picture round. The quiz finishes around 10pm with a break halfway through.

Notice of Road Resurfacing works

Note that the roadworks have not started today as advised but the notice now states:  The Barton Road, Haslingfield will be closed for resurfacing work for up to 10 days from 9 – 13 & 16 – 20 March (Mon-Fri) between 07:30-18:30. This is from the southern edge of the bridge to the first speed-bump in Haslingfield.

Diversion Route:
Haslingfield Road, Barton – A603 – Eversden Road, Harlton – High Street – Haslingfield Road – Harlton Road, Haslingfield – Church Street and vice versa

6/17th Cambridge Scout Group Jumble Sale

Saturday 7th March 2020 – 2.00pm,  Haslingfield Village Hall. Please support us with any CAKES, JUMBLE, TOYS or GAMES. Please drop off items on the day at the Village Hall (10am – 12pm),  or Phone Nick on 871465 to arrange collection – Please note we cannot accept any electrical items.