Colts Thro to Cup Second Round

Haslingfield Colts won 5-1 away at Steeple Bumpstead in the first round of the League Cup on Saturday 1st October 2011. It’s the first time the Colts have ever won a cup game. This all happend after they went one-nil down. Here are the match stats:- Read more

Next HVS Talk

The Haslingfield Village Society recommences on Tuesday, 20th September with another fascinating talk. Barry Stevenson, the man who can tell you the story behind the antiques, presents  A Medley of his own Collection’Read more

Colts win first league football game of the season

The Colts Under 12’s FC won 6-1 against Cambridge Diamonds in their first league game of the season. Liam Fairly scored 4 goals (on 7, 13, 37 and 60 minutes), Ronan Hawkins scored his first goal of the season for the team on 42 minutes and Samuel Clarke also scored his first goal of the season on 47 minutes. The Colts led 2-0 at halftime.