Family Carol Concert

Christmas Music and Carol Singing with Eversden Brass Band

in All Saints Church Haslingfield
4.30 to 5.30, 17 December, 2011
Entry £2, children free
mince pies, hot punch & soft drinks available


Decorated Trees in All Saints Church
Saturday 17th December, 10.00 am to 4.00 pm
Sunday 18th December, 12.00 pm to 4.00 pm
Entry £2.00 (children free)
Refreshments      Lunches      Music
For info: contact Christine Tod,  01223 870247

Burglary in New Road Haslingfield 5/12/2011

Yesterday in New Road a bungalow was broken into by forcing a rear kitchen window and jewellery was stolen. It is believed the offence occurred at around 8.20pm and the offender was disturbed. A similar offence took place on 21st November, also in New Road, when a house was burgled and jewellery was also taken. This was at dusk time. Read more


The church floodlight and screens alongside the footpath have been vandalised four times in the past few weeks, the damage becoming progressively worse. Read more