Next Village Society Event

What Miss Ling Saw!

 Dramatised readings from The Haslingfield School Log Book 1917-1965.  Readers: John Beresford, Peter Hains, and Cheryl Lowery, all of whom know the school well.  This promises to be an amusing and informative journey down memory lane, as well as a revelation of what went on in our village school for half a century.
Tues. Feb. 21 , 8:00 pm, at Haslingfield Village Hall. Read more

Agenda for Parish Council meeting 9th January 2012

There will be a meeting of Haslingfield Parish Councilat Haslingfield Pavilion on Monday January 9th 2012 at 7.00 pm for the purpose of transacting the following business.  Members of the Public and Press are invited to address the Council at the Open Forum.  James Fisher from SCDC will speak to the council on Section 106 payments between 7pm and 7.30pm.

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Village Society Special Event

Saturday 28 January 2012.
See it on the big screen at the Haslingfield Village Centre and sing – along with all those happy songs.  A substantial ploughman’s supper included and a bar is available.  Tickets: £7.50 adults, £5 children,  from Michael Hendy 870270,  The Village Shop and The Little Rose Pub.