Next Village Society Talk

Hear, ye! Hear,Ye! “Pickwick’s Cambridge Scrapbook” read by Mike Petty, with references to Haslingfield.      Mike is an authority on Cambridge and the fenland and has won a national award for his lectures and articles.  We know his talks as informative and amusing. Read more

Film Club

The next film show will be at 7.30 on Friday 11th May 2012 in Haslingfield Methodist Church.  Admission is free.  Tea/Coffee half way through, collection to cover refreshments and facilities. Read more

RESULTS – South Cambridgeshire District Council Elections

Here are the results for Haslingfield and The Eversdens:

Thomas Frearson – Conservative – 95 votes
Helen Haugh – Labour – 52 votes
Robin Page – Independent – 516 votes (elected)
Rebecca Ridley – Liberal Democrat – 514 votes

Source: South Cambridgeshire District Council at:


No Space at the Allotments

The village’s Allotment Group, HAGA, say all their plots are taken and they have four people on their waiting list. All this and more was discussed at the association’s recent committee meeting. The minutes of the meeting are below… Read more

Political activity in Victorian Haslingfield

With the local elections almost upon us, it might be fitting to have a look at politics in the village 130 or so years ago.

All of the reported activity seems to have been around the Conservative Party. If the Liberals were active, there is no trace of it in the newspaper cuttings from that time. A Conservative Association was planned in the barn of Willow Farm in November 1885. Read more

Haslingfield Youth Football Team on Verge of League Title

This Tuesday evening will see the village’s youth football team win the league if they win their match against Red Lodge. Haslingfield Colts Under 12’s FC play Red Lodge on Haslingfield Rec, kick-off is 6.30pm this Tuesday 1st May. We would like as many people as possible to come along and support the team on what could be a very special occasion. Read more

The Haslingfield Chronicle

Who stole a green flounced petticoat from the house of Thomas Prime of Haslingfield in the County of Cambridge on 18 September 1784?  And what else did he nick?  To find the answer to this and a hundred other gems of essential knowledge you’ll need this fascinating publication. Read more