Cream Tea Time Again!

Enjoy a traditional cream tea with freshly-baked scones, jam and cream, in the informal woodland garden of  The Dovecote, 29 High Street, Haslingfield.

Date & Time: Sunday 13 September from 2.30 p.m. to 5.30 p.m.

All proceeds to Parkinson’s UK.

TICKETS AVAILABLE – The Importance of Being Earnest

Haslingfield Little Theatre will be performing The Importance of Being Earnest tonight, 17 May, tomorrow, 18 May and Saturday 19 May, at 7.45 p.m. at Haslingfield Village Centre. There are still some tickets available from the Village Shop – Haslingfield at £8 each / £5 concessions (no concessions Saturday).

Do come along – it’s a wonderful production!

Allotment Working Party

The Village’s Allotment Group, HAGA. on Sunday 13 May from 1pm-3pm has organised the next working party to fill in ruts on perimeter track with rubble and clear remaining rubbish in ditch. All help greatly appreciated. More details are here.