Get involved in 84 CHARING CROSS ROAD!

HLT LOGO (2) jpgOur next play is 84 CHARING CROSS ROAD, which we will be performing on 15, 16, and 17 May. This wonderful production is a dramatization of letters between a struggling New York writer (Helen Hanff) and an antiquarian bookseller in London, and takes places over a 20-year period. Read more

Happy New Year from the Web Team!

The Haslingfield Village Web Team would like to wish all visitors to the site a very Happy New Year! We hope you are continuing to find the website useful, and don’t forget, if you have any news of interest to the community, you can submit it by clicking here. And, of course, you can always comment on any post (article) by completing the comment box at the bottom of the relevant post.

Film Club

movie cameraNext showing will be at 7.30pm on Friday 10th January 2014 in the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 110min. Certificate: 15+  Contains strong language.  There will be subtitles for the ‘Hard of Hearing’.  We shall break for tea/coffee and biscuits half way through and there will be a collection to cover refreshments and use of the rooms. Read more

World War I in Haslingfield and Cambridge

This month’s posting is in the form of a request. On November 11th 2014 the Village Society, in collaboration with the Little Theatre, is presenting an evening about World War I and its impact on the local community. The first part will look at the experiences of those soldiers recruited locally. The second will focus more on the resilience and humour demonstrated during such a dreadful time, and will present songs, readings and newspaper reports of the time.

If you have any family stories going back to World War I, whether related to service at the front or at home, I would be delighted to hear from you. I can be contacted at and on 01223 514849.

Best wishes for the New Year.

John Beresford.

Village Archivist.

New Year’s Day Walk

2014! Time to step lively (or leisurely) into the New Year.  Join the traditional New Year’s Day walk lead by the Haslingfield Village Society. All ages, all sexes, all dogs on leads. Lots of fun with great conversation on the way.  And it’s free. Read more


Cambridgeshire C.C. has launched yet another ‘survey’ into bus usage. Paper responses must be in by January 15th  so that  we can get them to Shire Hall before the close of the survey on the 17th.  Paper forms are in The Village Shop. Please give your completed forms back to the staff; we thank them for their help. Online completion/ download of form at To help keep a service going we need plenty of responses. Please add full comments about the necessity of service provision for rural residents.

For help contact: Bob Branch (PC Chair) 870136 or Liz  Heazell  870289