New Vicar at All Saints’ Church

RebeccaThe Bishop of Ely is pleased to announce the appointment of the Reverend Rebecca Gilbert to serve as Team Vicar in the Lordsbridge Team Ministry, the group of churches that includes All Saints Church, Haslingfield.   Rebecca is currently on maternity leave from her previous post as curate in the Three Rivers group of parishes near Newmarket and plans to move into The Vicarage with her family in September.   She is married to Richard (Rich) and they have two young children. Read more

Charity Coffee Morning and Sale

coffee morningWe are holding a Coffee Morning and Sale at our house, 101 New Road, 10.00am-12.30pm  on Saturday 29th March. There will be a Raffle and a Bring and Buy stall (goods welcome).

The proceeds will go to Tommy’s Stillbirth Research Fund and the Arthur Rank Hospice. Read more

Circuit-Based Fitness Class in the Village Hall

Fuel logoThis circuit based fitness class takes place every Wednesday at Haslingfield Village Hall at 6 – 7pm. Participants are encouraged to progress at their own level throughout the hour with Exercises and areas of development such as: Strength, Flexibility, Speed and Agility, Endurance, Core strength. Read more

Next Village Society Talk: Stripping Down Science – The Naked Scientist

The Naked Scientist is a broadcasting phenomenon, dreamed up in a Cambridge curry house, that now reaches millions of people around the globe with news and breakthroughs from the world of science, medicine and technology.

 On Tuesday, 18 March at 8.00 p.m. in Haslingfield Village Hall, Dr Chris Smith, The Naked Scientist, will be taking us on a whistle-stop tour of what they do, how they do it and why. Everybody welcome. Read more

Messy Church

This Friday 14th March at 3pm in the Methodist Church.  The theme is Brilliant Black.  Creative crafts – Refreshments – Conversation – Fun – All age – Informal Worship – All welcome – Relax – and  of course be MESSY.  No commitment, no cost.  Come and try it.

The Hradec Quartet play Haslingfield

church1On Thursday, 10 April at 7.30 pm, The Hradec Quartet will be performing in All Saints Church, Haslingfield. They will be playing Josef Suk’s Meditation, Beethoven’s Quartet in F minor Op. 95 (Serioso), and Ravel’s Quartet in F major.

Tickets are available at Haslingfield Village Shop or on the door. They cost £10 (£7 concessions) and include wine or juice.

Steak Night at the Pub

For £25 you will get two steaks (8oz rump or sirloin), chips, onion rings, mushrooms and tomato plus a bottle of wine on Steak Night. It takes place this Saturday evening 8th March at the Little Rose Pub. Booking is essential so call the Little Rose on 01223-870618. All meat is supplied by Barker Brothers Butchers in Shelford.