TOMORROW NIGHT, THURSDAY 15TH OCTOBER – Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday celebration Meeting

It was agreed by the Parish Council that a village event would take place on the weekend of the 11th – 12th June 2016 to celebrate Queen Elizabeth’s 90th birthday. The plan is to involve as many Haslingfield Villagers as possible; arranging events throughout the whole of the Saturday and concluding the celebration with a Church service on the Sunday.

A meeting is to be held in the Methodist Church this Thursday 15th October at 7.30 pm. To make this a memorable and successful event we need your ideas, help and support and we would be grateful if you could come to this meeting.



All of the Victorian Pews in Haslingfield Church are now for Sale.  We have been advised by Auctioneers that the estimate the value of the pews is between £50 and £100.  Sealed Bids are invited, which will be opened on 17th October 2015 for Haslingfield Village and  Surrounding Area, following which bidding will be opened up to all.  At each stage the Highest Bids for a particular pew will be considered first and then the remaining pews will be offered to Bidders to choose from in the order of the size of their bid.  Click the Pic to see a description of the pews for sale. (The older ‘medieval’ pews are to be retained) Read more

Allotment Meeting

vegetable_garden_194668The Haslingfield Allotment Gardeners Association (HAGA) is having their quarterly committee meeting on Tuesday 13th October 2015 in the Little Rose at 19:30. They have  no vacant plots but if want to go on the waiting list to grow your own produce or just want to know more then please come along.
Ron van der Hoorn – Treasurer

Pub Pentanque Team League Champions

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

Haslingfield’s very own Petanque team, have just been crowned Champions of Division 1 of the Central Cambs League. It’s the 6th time in 7 years that the team have won the league. The team, made up of players Jim, Handbag, Steely, Alex, Nick, Neil and Kayleigh, won the league with one match left to play. The Foxton White Horse B team came second. This comes shortly after the Little Rose Team won the East Anglian Air Ambulance Petanque competition. Full details of the league are here:-

Old Haslingfield in the News: A Debtor’s End

Being in debt, and ill, was not a good state to be in in 1901. Thomas Purkin, or possibly Purkis, a 55-year-old labourer from Haslingfield, was committed to the County Gaol on September 27th. He was examined by the prison surgeon, and found to be suffering from “bonal disease of the thigh”. He was immediately sent to the hospital ward, and put on a special diet. He apparently knew of his serious condition, and said he was dying in greater comfort than he would have at home. He then developed pneumonia. Read more


movie-cameraThe next Film Club screening will be on Friday 9th October 2015 at 7.30pm at the Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 118 min. Certificate: PG.  We will break for refreshments half way through. Read more

Pub Quiz this Friday 2nd October

Little Rose Opening Hours

Little Rose Opening Hours

The next Little Rose Pub Quiz will take place this Friday 2nd October. Teams of any number up to a maximum of six can take part, entry is £10 per team with all the entry fees given out as cash prizes. First Question asked at 8pm. Just turn up on the night or book in advance. The date of the quiz has been switched to the first Friday of every month due to popular demand!

For more details on the pub, click Read More…

Read more

Next Village Society Talk

image001Mr Michael Snelling, a great supporter of Haslingfield life for many years, will talk at The Haslingfield Village Society about the techniques used in the repair & restoration of various types of chairs & seats. He will bring along a display of specialised tools & equipment.  Tuesday, 20th October, 8.00PM, Haslingfield Village Hall