THIS SATURDAY – Little Owls Jumble Sale

Little Owls Preschool LogoThis Saturday 30 January from 2pm onwards Haslingfield Little Owls Preschool will be holding their annual Jumble Sale in Haslingfield Village Hall. Refreshments available. Please bring any items of jumble to the Hall on the day from 10.30 – 12.30 (no electrical items please). See you there! To see poster click Read more

Going to the Little Rose Pub is Good for your Wellbeing

Little Rose Pub

Little Rose Pub

People who have a ‘local’ pub, like the Little Rose in Haslingfield, are not only significantly happier than those who do not, but also have higher life satisfaction and have more close friends, according to new research from Oxford University.

The report[1], written by Professor Robin Dunbar for CAMRA (the Campaign for Real Ale) outlines that having a strong social network significantly improves both your happiness and your overall health. The more people you know, and the more often you see them, the better you feel and the healthier you are.

Read more

Haslingfield Allotment Gardeners Association

Vegetable GardenThe Haslingfield Allotment Gardeners Association (HAGA) is having a working party this Saturday between 1pm and 3pm. They also have one full size and two half size plots vacant so if you have “green fingers” and want to grow your own produce or just want to know more then please come along. January is the best time to start your growing season.

Alternatively please contact Jon Spain on email or telephone 01763 262007.

Village Shop

flowersVillage shop update news: They now stock fresh flowers and they can order for special occasions as well.

Opening Hours – Shop
Mondays to Fridays:   7.00 am – 7.00 pm
Saturdays:    8.00 am – 6.00 pm
Sundays:   8.00 am – 4.00 pm

Opening Hours – Post Office
Mondays to Fridays:   9.00 am – 5.30 pm
Saturdays:   9.00 am – 12.30 pm
Post Office Collection Times are Monday to Friday 12pm and 4pm. Saturday 10:30am.

Skatepark closed

skatepark_1The Haslingfield skatepark has been closed until further notice until essential repairs are carried out. There are some holes in the ramps which means it is not safe to use. We will try to get this repaired as soon as possible.

Barrington Cement Works c1990s

Richard Cooper posted on the Haslingfield Facebook Page this photo of the Barrington Cement works when both chimneys were active. He thinks it was taken in the 1990s and no later than 1992. Anymore information would be greatly appreciated.

Barrington Cement Works c1990s

Barrington Cement Works c1990s

Sustainable Parish Energy Partnership

On the Haslingfield Village Facebook Page, Tom Clarke posted information about Sustainable Parish Energy Partnership (SPEP). It’s a group, supported by the district council, of volunteers across the villages of South Cambs running Sustainability/ Green/ Environmental projects and events. In Haslingfield there has been a village Energy day a couple of years ago and a Thermal Imaging camera project.

If you’re interested in sustainability/ Green/ Environmental projects or events across the region or want to be part of the discussion in organising them or generating ideas you may want to head across to the new Facebook group. Maybe you have a great project idea or are just willing to join a group of like minded people!

More from Country Kitchen

IMG_1501 (2)Country Kitchen will be offering outstanding quality Fresh Fish to order from next Tuesday 12th January.  A fish board will be displayed with fish available each week, along with pricing, and orders will be taken ready for delivery every Friday. We are also taking Meat Orders for our local Butcher (Barkers) so if you need a joint or cut of meat please contact us.
Regards from all at Country Kitchen